Page 39 of Savage Deal

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“I think I took your friend by surprise.” He glanced down the hallway. “She probably shouldn’t be walking around alone in dark corridors. You never know what could happen to such an enticing woman.”

When Jude stepped forward, Luke got in between the two men.

“Cobra?” Luke asked. “We didn’t realize Caleb was sending you.”

I held onto Jude’s arm when my legs began to shake. I didn’t like the vibe between these men, and I hated that he was here.

“Johnny,” Jude said. “Take Emmie to my office.”

“I want to stay with you.” I tightened my grip on his bicep.

“No.” His stern voice made me worried that I had done something wrong. “Go with Johnny. I’ll join you soon.”

“It was nice to see you, Emmie,” Cobra said.

I didn’t respond as I let go of Jude and followed Johnny down another long hallway. I glanced over my shoulder, but no one spoke while I was still in earshot.

“Why is that man here?” I asked Johnny.

“I don’t know,” he responded. “You can wait here.” He opened the office door. “I’ll be right outside the door until Jude comes back.”

“Why do I need you to stand guard?”

“I’m just doing my job.”

“What is your job, exactly?”

“Whatever Jude tells me to do.” He closed the door, leaving me alone in the dimly lit office.

The office was as amazing as the rest of the club with its warm brown tones and beautifully carved woodwork. There were pictures of Jude and Cassie, some with his brothers, and others with Luke displayed on the large bookshelves in the corner of the room. Behind the desk was a picture window with a gorgeous view of the harbor.

To the right of the building was a large boat parked in a loading dock area. There were voices in the distance, but I couldn’t see anyone or hear what they said. What kind of shipment was being unloaded at this time of the night? What kind of business would Jude be doing with the man my father owed money to?

Of all the places I could have taken refuge in, how had I managed to find the one house that would lead me to Jude? Was it fate or just bad luck?

“How could you set up a meeting with that man?” Jude shouted.

“If I had known Caleb was sending Cobra, don’t you think I would have said no?” Luke asked. “The less trouble we have with these people, the better.”

I went to the door so I could hear the conversation. It may have been wrong to eavesdrop, but I wanted answers.

“We’re going to have trouble now, aren’t we?” Jude said.

“What should I do with him?”

“Throw him in the fucking harbor for all I care.”


“Have one of our guys drive that piece of shit back to Caleb and drop him in the parking lot.”

“There’s going to be consequences.”

“I’ll deal with him,” Jude said. “Take care of it for me, and check in on the card game.”

When the handle on the door jiggled, I hurried to the center of the room, trying to look like I wasn’t listening. The force in which Jude slammed the door caused me to jump.

“When I tell you to do something, don’t hesitate.” He loosened his tie. “Do you understand?”
