Page 65 of Savage Deal

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“Such lovely toes.” I ran my fingers over them. “You’ll have time to get a fresh pedicure before we leave for our trip.”

“We’re really going to Brazil?”

“I have a villa on a breathtakingly beautiful private beach. You’re going to love it. We’re going to leave a few days after Thanksgiving.”

“That soon?”

“I wanted to go sooner, but Cassandra will be in New York with her mother, so we need to wait for her to return.”

“Cassie’s coming too?”

“She would never forgive me if I went to the villa without her. She’s been going since she was a child. She has some friends there that she and Bristol like to meet up with.”

“Bristol’s going too?” Emmie frowned.

“She always comes along to keep Cassie company. I have some associates there that I take meetings with.” Her whole expression changed when I mentioned my daughter’s friend. “Is Bristol a problem for you?”

“No, but I don’t think she likes me that much.”

“Why wouldn’t she like you?” I rubbed her foot, kneading her arch with my thumbs. “Why do you think that?”

“Because she likes you, and she tells me every chance she gets.” She sunk into the sofa, enjoying the foot massage. “She doesn’t understand what you’re doing with me, but I get that because I don’t fully understand it myself.”

“Don’t say that.” I increased the pressure on her foot. “Bristol is a child.”

“She’s only a few years younger than me. Do you think I’m a child?”

“Compared to me, yes, my little girl, you are a child.” Her innocence, her beauty, and her dependence on me aroused me. I wasn’t ashamed to admit it.


“You asked.”

“You didn’t have to be so honest.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m an adult.”

“I’m nothing if not honest.” I pulled her by the ankle, bringing her foot closer to me. “There are aspects of your naivety that intrigue me. Does it mean that I’m attracted to all women your age? No. It also doesn’t mean I don’t see you as an adult, but there are times when I see how much you need me. I like that.”

The last time I dated a twenty-one year old, I was in my twenties. I didn’t seek out younger women, but if I had a connection with someone, age wouldn’t stop me. When I offered to help her, I didn’t expect to have anything more than a physical connection with her, but every day she proved me wrong. I wasn’t sure what to do with that.

“Bristol’s going to be really disappointed to hear you’re not interested in her.”

“I’ve known Bristol since she was five. To be honest, I don’t even like her that much, but she’s my daughter’s best friend. I am not interested in her.” I continued to rub her feet. “When you tell me you don’t understand what I’m doing with you, that’s because you don’t see yourself the way I see you.”

“How do you see me?”

“You’re an old soul.” I pressed her toes against my growing erection. “You’ve lived more years in your short life than most ever will. You deserve better, and I want to give it to you.”

“You’ve already given me so much.” She brushed her foot over my cock, releasing a primal urge to fuck her. “How can I ever repay you?”

“I could think of a few ways.”

“I’m being serious.”

“So am I.” I slid my hand up her leg. “You can repay me by enjoying everything I have given you.” Once I reached her panties, I glided them down her legs. “Live a good life.”

“I want to, but…”

“But what?” I caressed her calves.
