Page 68 of Savage Deal

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“It’s way bigger than last year,” Luke said. “And I didn’t think that was possible.”

“Hmm…” When Jude looked up at the tree, his gaze connected with mine. “There you are. I thought you might be hiding.” He motioned for me to come into the room. “What do you think?”

“It’s big.”

He took my hand when I stood next to him.

“Jude does everything big if you haven’t noticed.” Luke poured himself a drink from the bar he set up last night. “I’m going to see if Grace needs help with anything.”

“You know she doesn’t,” Jude said.

“She’ll get mad if I don’t at least offer to help.” Luke smiled at me. “You look very pretty, Emmie. Happy Thanksgiving.”

“Thank you.” I glanced down at my feet. “Happy Thanksgiving to you too.”

Once Luke was out of the room, Jude led me over to the bar. “Prosecco?”

I nodded.

“You seem to have caught the attention of all the men around here.” He poured me a glass from the bottle chilling in a shiny silver bucket. “Luke, Anthony, Josh.” His jaw tightened when he mentioned that last name. “Johnny, and a few of the other guys.”

“I didn’t mean to.” I took the delicate flute from him.

“That’s your superpower, pretty girl. You have no idea what you do to a man, and neither does he until it’s too late.”

“There’s only one man I want.”

He smiled before taking a sip of his vodka.

“Do you always get the tree on Thanksgiving?” I asked.

“I have it delivered today, but we don’t decorate it until December.”

“It’s perfect.” I gazed up at it. “We never had a tree when I was a kid.”


“I think when I lived with my grandmother I did, but when I moved with my dad we didn’t.” I inhaled the scent of the pine needles. “When I was sixteen, I saved a little money from my first job at a local pizza shop. On my way home one night, there was this guy selling trees on the street.” I remembered he had a fire burning in a trashcan to keep warm while he sold the trees. “He had this one tree that was scrawny and small, but I thought it would be perfect in our apartment. I couldn’t afford any lights or ornaments, but I still wanted the tree.”

“Did you get it?”

“He wanted twenty-five dollars for it, but I only had fifteen. I thanked him and started to walk away, but he called after me and told me he would sell it to me for fifteen, because it was a few days before Christmas, and he probably wouldn’t sell it otherwise.”

“He should have given it to you at no charge.”

“He had to feed his family.” The fifteen dollars I paid for the tree was supposed to buy milk and bread, but I was so excited about getting the tree, I had forgotten my responsibilities. “Anyway, I bought the tree.”

I didn’t want to finish telling him the story, because it didn’t have a happy ending once the deadbeat saw what I had spent the money on.

“Well, this Christmas you’ll have lights and ornaments.”

“It will be beautiful.” I stared at the tree, imagining the twirling lights and shimmery red balls.“I started reading the book Grace gave me.” It had been on the nightstand for over a week, but I was too afraid to open it. “That’s what I was doing upstairs.”

“Do you like it?”

“I don’t know.” I sipped my drink. “I’m not much of a reader.”

“I could take you to the bookstore and you could pick out some things that might interest you.”

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