Page 9 of Savage Deal

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The house seemed to be never-ending as we entered another hallway across from the kitchen. There were so many rooms. The hardwood floors glistened even under the faint accent lighting. The house was as quiet as one would expect for the middle of the night. The only sound was our feet against the floors. My beating heart was particularly loud, but he couldn’t hear that.Right?

“In here.”

He flipped the light switch, illuminating the room that was just as gorgeous as the rest of the house. Behind the polished mahogany desk was a large picture window that boasted an incredible view of the backyard. In the distance, beyond the pool, I could see a spotlight on the stables. The sprawling property spanned acres of trees and grass lit with hundreds of landscape lights.

I entered the room, taking in the lemony aroma of polished wood, and the scent of spice that reminded me of him.

“You must be cold.” He took a remote control from his desk and pressed a button that ignited the gas fireplace.

I stood in front of it, stealing the warmth like a thief in the night. My frozen cheeks thawed, and the feeling slowly returned to my fingertips.

“Drink this.” He handed me a bottle of water that he took from a mini-refrigerator in the corner of the room. “Your lips are dry. You might be dehydrated.”

“Are you a doctor?”


Not a doctor, not a cop… Who are you?

“Are you hungry?”

“If I could have my bag back, I’ll be on my way.”

“All in good time.” He leaned against his desk. “Emmie.”

“How did you know my… You went through my stuff?”

“You left it on my property after you trespassed and ran away from me.” He took the glass from his desk and finished what was in it. “Do you want to tell me what you were doing here?”

“Why do you care?” I removed the cap on the water bottle, and then took a long sip, coating my dry lips and throat. “I’m sorry I trespassed, but I want to leave now.”

“Where will you go?”

“I don’t know.”

“You’ll spend the night here.”

“What?” I paced in front of the fireplace, trying to warm up, but my constant trembling wasn’t because I was cold. “I can’t do that.”

“Why not?”

“Because I can’t.”

“That’s not an acceptable answer.”

When he moved to stand next to me, my instincts backed me into a corner; literally. My shoulder blades hit the wall, giving him the opportunity to advance me, trapping me like a caged animal. My limbs froze and my breath hitched in my throat, making it difficult to swallow.

“Who did this?” He ran his fingertips along my swollen cheek.

Powerless with fear, I didn’t even swat him away. I didn’t seem to mind his gentle caress. It had been a long time since someone afforded me any comfort.

“A man with a snake tattoo.” I looked down at my feet, surprised at how quickly I answered him. “My father owes his boss money, and they want me to repay it or…” I didn’t like thinking about the other part.

“That’s why you are running?”

I nodded.

“Who is his boss?” He trailed his fingers along my cheek and to my bottom lip. His touch felt intimate and invasive, but I didn’t reject it.
