Page 12 of Seeking Peace

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I twist the cap off a beer and slide it before him. "What's on your mind?"

"I saw the news about your old man the other day and wanted to see where your head was on all that."

I shrug. "I'm fine, and the lie about where I've been all these years still seems to work for them." It suddenly dawns on me why Jake is showing concern. "Why? Do you think the press will question my parents and decide to start snooping around? Because if you're worried about that, I promise I won't let any unwanted attention make its way to the club," I'm quick to say.

"Ember, darlin'." Jake clears his throat. "I don't give a fuck about any of that. Dealing with nosy-ass reporters is the furthest thing from my mind. I want to know howyouare doing."

My shoulders slump, and I exhale a sigh of relief. "I'm sorry, Jake."

"Nothin' to be sorry for, sweetheart."

I nod. "The truth is; I'm worried about my sister."

Jake's brow furrows with concern. "She okay?"

"We talked after I read the news of my dad's big announcement. They want her to leave school and come home to be a dutiful daughter. And she agreed." I walk around the bar and sit beside him. "I don't know what I'm going to do, Jake. She doesn't need them. I told her I would pay for school or whatever else she needs. But our parents have this sick hold on her, and I can't figure it out. I mean, she's miserable when she's home. At school, she's happy. Then there is her boyfriend. She's blossomed so much under his attention. I know she will shrink back into herself when she returns home."

Jake grips my neck, leaving me no choice but to look at him. "Listen, Ember. There is nothin' more you can do to help your sister. You offered the tools she needs to get out of the fucked-up situation she's in. It's up to her to accept. Be patient, and she'll come around."

I shake my head, disagreeing with his words. "She's not strong enough."

"Darlin', if your sister has even one ounce of her big sister running through her veins, then she's strong enough."

I bite my bottom lip. "You think so?"

Jake stands and kisses the top of my head. "I know so. Besides, we all have our breaking points. Eventually, those fucks will drive your sister to hers. And when they do, her sister will have her back, and so will the club."

I close my eyes and try to hold back my emotions. This is why I love Jake and what makes him the best man I know. "Thank you," I whisper.

"Anytime, Ember," he replies softly.

I stand and return to stocking the bar, then he asks, "Any plans for the day?"

"Not really. Why? Did you need me for something?"

"Yeah. I promised Grace dinner and a ride up the mountain on my bike tonight, but our sitter canceled on us, and Remi is sleeping over at a friend's house. I was going to see if you could watch Ellie Kate for us."

I smile. "I'd love to. What time do you need me?"

"Don't know what I’d do without ya, sweetheart. Can you be at the house by six?"

"I'll be there."

Just then, Grace walks through the door of the clubhouse. "Hey, baby. What are ya doin' here? Is everything okay?" Jake strides over to his woman.

"Everything is fine. Remi called and said she left her laptop in your office and asked if I could bring it to Kenzi's house. They’re going to work on that science project together." When Grace spots me, she gives me a huge smile. "Hey, Ember. How are you?"

"Good. I was talking to your husband and told him I'd be at your place this evening to watch Ellie."

"Oh, Ember. You are a godsend." Grace practically skips over to me and hugs my neck. "Things have been so hectic lately with the kids and the bakery that I'm dying for a few hours of stress-free adult time. You know what I mean?" She laughs.

"I know what you mean." I wink. "Don't worry, I got you."

In the afternoon, I'm sitting at the desk in my room writing when someone knocks at the door. "Yeah?" I call out without looking away from the computer. "The door’s open."

"Hey." Alba steps through with Leah trailing behind.

I shut my laptop and look over my shoulder. "Hey yourself."
