Page 50 of A Million Pieces

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Stepping back to go finish dinner, I take a second to appreciate the beauty of the man that is Hank Burns. He tosses our daughter in the air, making her giggle. I turn to walk away and I do it with a wide smile on my face and feeling happier than I ever thought I could be.

Epilogue II


Five Years Later

Brooke’s arms tighten around me as my bike flies down the road. We’re on our way to a hotel to celebrate our anniversary, even though it was a while ago. We just haven’t had the time, the kids keep us busy.

Tripp is almost ten. He’s such a good boy who loves video games, soccer, and reading. He is the protector of his sister, always looking out for her. Especially now that Fallon is in kindergarten and at the same school.

That little girl is a miniature version of her mom. She’s got her honey-blonde hair, and brown eyes, or at least it matches Brooke’s one brown eye. Fallon loves her big brother and knows that she has a brother that went to heaven before she was born. Our kids are good kids, and I don’t say that as a parent who would say that even if their kids were rotten.

No, they are not perfect, and they do get in trouble, but overall, we got lucky in the kid department. Tripp has no lasting effects from their kidnapping, Brooke doesn’t either. We know Tracey is out, but she moved away. Austin could get out in the next five years, but I think he knows what would happen if I saw him around my family. I’d end up in jail.

Derrick surprised us all when he got married, but that is a story for another day. My parents are doing great. Dad’s semi-retired and spends most of his time with the older brothers at the clubhouse.

I’m the president now, and Derrick is my VP. We’re more relaxed than most MCs and focus solely on the shop, which is doing amazingly well. People will wait to have us working on their car or bike.

We finally reach the hotel and I park the bike. Heading inside to check in, I keep Brooke’s hand in mine. Once we’re upstairs, I let us into the room, toss our bags on the floor. Then I pick up my wife and pin her to the wall.

Fuck, she still makes me hard as rock every time I look at her. I’m insatiable for her and her for me. “God, baby. The things I’m going to do to you tonight.” I growl into her ear. Then that is what I do…things, many, many things.


Brooke is sleeping with her naked body wrapped around mine. Damn, my baby loves to be as close as possible to me. I stroke her back, her skin soft and warm beneath my fingertips. We’ve gone through a lot and came out the other side stronger than ever.

She is the love of my life and I can’t wait to see where our story goes. All I do know is that with her by my side, we can handle anything that comes our way.

“I can feel you thinking,” Brooke whispers and then kisses the underside of my chin.

I kiss the top of her head. “I was just thinking about us and how happy I am. The road to get here was bumpy, but I wouldn’t change a thing. Well, there are a few things I’d change. I love you so much.”

“Aww…baby. I love you too. We’re tough, we can handle anything that comes our way.” She pushes up on my chest. “What if I told you I was kind of thinking about us having another baby?”

Rolling us until I’m between her legs. I lean down and kiss her. “Really?”

She nods. “Really. I have an appointment next week to get my IUD out, if you say yes, of course.” Brooke smiles up at me. “What do you say? Should we have another baby?”

I growl yes, and go about showing her how happy that makes me.

A year later we welcome another daughter, Alizabeth Anne, yes with an A and not an E.

Our lives exploded into a million pieces, but that just meant that when they were put back together, that we were somehow stronger.

The End
