Page 9 of Northern Escape

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Self-conscious, she pulled her scarf further up on her nose and made sure her hat still covered her forehead. He would think her scars ugly. He was exactly like the guys who had made fun of her in high school, the ones who liked to ask her out on dares from their friends.

Beastly Brielle.




Don’t you ever wash your face?

She could almost hear all of the old taunts coming from his lips and her heart hammered. She’d bought this land out here on the edge of the wilds because she liked to be by herself, and because she never wanted to face taunts like that from guys like him ever again.

Why did she think calling him was a good idea?

Then again, she’d never told him where she was.

“Wait.” She stopped short and swung around to face him. “How did you find me?”



Her lingering suspicion must have seeped into that one word because he hurried to add, “Nothing weird, I promise. You told me your name and said you owned sled dogs. I put those two things together and found Faraway Kennel.”

She’d have to fix that. Maybe get rid of the website altogether. The small donations she received through it were nice, but she liked her solitude more and wasn’t comfortable with the idea of some rando on the internet being able to find her so easily.

Not that Ellis was a random internet stalker. She had invited him. Sort of.

The naked little dog dropped the rope and growled at Aleu, who was on the other side of the fence from the agility yard. Aleu, being Aleu, took great offense and showed her teeth. It didn't stop the spunky little dog, who lunged at her, which sent Moonbeam and Diggy into a frenzy of barking.

Bree stepped in before things got out of hand and scooped the naked dog up. It squeaked indignantly and the poof on the end of its tail started wagging.

She held it out to Ellis. “Is this yours?”

“Yeah, kinda,” he said on a sigh and took the dog with one big hand. He held it up so that were nose-to-nose and the little thing gave his nose a lick.

Ugh, that was cute. Why did he have to be both handsome and a dog lover?

She crossed her arms protectively in front of her chest. She wasn’t going to let him get to her heart. “How do youkindaown a dog?”

“Long story.” He tucked his dog into the front of his jacket. His blue gaze shifted from her to her huskies. Aleu still glared with obvious distaste. Moonbeam and Diggy were still trying to get through the fence. They probably thought the little dog was a rat and there was nothing they liked better than playing with small rodents.

“These guys all yours?” Ellis asked.


“The white one there looks like she wants to chomp on my arm.”

“No, not you. Your dog.”

He winced. “I hope Peanut didn’t cause too much trouble.”

Peanut?Of course, that was the naked dog’s name. “Aleu is the queen bitch around here and Peanut just tried to challenge her.”

Ellis frowned down at the tiny dog. She stared up at him with complete adoration in her buggy eyes and he melted faster than ice during spring thaw. It was amazing to watch. The frown morphed into a smirk and he ruffled the spike of hair between her ears.

That dog had him firmly wrapped around her dainty paw.

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