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“No. It isn’t there.”

Lie like your life depends on it, Elena—because it does.

“Well, I know Kye doesn’t have it.”

“Correct. He does not.”

Shit. Shit. Shit.

With as much venom as I could summon, I glared at him. “Now, we’re just talking in circles. If I don’t have it, Kye doesn’t, and it’s not in the water—” I stopped because the smolder-smirk he shot sent a shiver down my spine.

“No. You have it,” he said.

I scoffed, “I’m sorry, I don’t. I wish it were so. I had it, and then my head smacked against a rock under the water and,” I looked around the room that dripped wealth, “I haven’t thought straight since.”

He leaned forward, and the smirk vanished, which he replaced with a thoughtful gaze. It should’ve been better than his other expression, but the intensity in his stare flipped my stomach backward.

I leaned away from him, uncertain of his intention. “What?”

“You didn’t sense it? A new power deep within you? You’re not alone in there anymore,” he said, pointing to the spot between my breasts.

“I beg your pardon?”

“You absorbed it.”

Yup. I was about to be dead.

“The tiny glowy hand in the jar? Are you kidding me?” I laughed but stopped short, silenced by his stern gaze.

“I don’t joke about my business.”

“Which is?” I asked.

He wrinkled his nose as if he found the question distasteful.

“We deal with matters that are far above the paygrade of your pack.”

“Excuse me?”

He shot me a glance full of disdain. “Your pack—”

“Ex-pack,” I corrected.

“Your ex-pack is on the fringes of criminal activity in this town.”

“Yeah,” I said. Petty and not-so-petty thefts, like catalytic converters, B&Es, business protection—annoying crimes not important enough to interest Law Enforcement in pack business if Kye kept it on the down low.

“And?” I said.

“My business is not.”

He stared at me with a cold intensity, as if to prompt me to challenge him. But I’m a smart girl. I get it.


With his silk suit, expensive cologne, hell, even his buffed and polished fingernails, he reeked of it. And they weren’t just any organized crime group, but rather they were one with supernatural powers that scared the shit out of us lesser paranormals. We didn’t get close enough to figure out what they were, but just close enough to know to learn to stay the hell away from them.

The Syndicate had taken many pack lives of those that got too close over the years—possibly even my parents’. And now I’m a part of it, personally employed and intimately connected to this terrifying group.
