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Yet another gorgeous, expensive-looking woman approached, grabbing Thorn by the arm below my hand to yank the man away.

“Dagon, darling, where have you been?” She pouted and thrust out an overly crimson bottom lip. “I’m starting to think that you’re ghosting me.”

Slightly embarrassed, I donned the bored expression the invitation check lady had. I tried to disengage, but Thorn slid his free hand over mine and held me in place.

Thone gave the invading woman an icy stare. “Whatever sparks that idea, Victoria? The daily calls I haven’t returned? Or perhaps it’s that I specifically asked your father to prevent you from dropping by my office before I gave security an order to drag your sweet ass out the door?”

A gasp, almost a giggle, escaped me. I tried unsuccessfully to cover it with a cough as I took a sudden interest in the crystal chandeliers above us. The woman's pale blue gaze burned into me, and I finally met her stare.

“Who the hell are you?”

“Does it matter, darling?” I smiled genially, imitating the upward lilt of the word she had affected.


A broad smile spread on my lips.

“See? It doesn’t matter at all.”

With another tight smile, I blew out a breath. It was a struggle to keep from exploding in a shower of snark. The steady pulsing of the two marks, with the additional pull of the waiting artifact, grated on my nerves, and I fought the urge to erupt in more scathing comments.

“The Hand of Belial corrupts the person who possesses it.” Chastity's words haunted me then, and I bit my tongue to keep my mouth closed and cattiness free, but it was a struggle.

I can't be around people right now. I don't think that at Thorn, but his intentional presence in my head calmed me.

“It’s okay. You’re doing fine.”

I blinked once, realizing this was what he meant by communicating through our link. It's like a mental phone call.

Thorn nodded to the woman and turned away, putting his body between us before we strolled toward the exhibition. We didn’t speak, which was preferable. There are reasons why I worked alone and never let over-eager clients shadow me. But Thorn isn’t like most clients. He isn’t even like most men I interacted with.

Thorn remained silent as we glided through the crowd. His light touch lingered on my arm, allowing me to guide him over the polished floors while appearing to be led by him instead.

This connection could be useful.

With our connection, he silently replied.

I’m so glad to be of service.

I sensed his facetious tone and ‘heard’ it and grinned.

I like submissive Thorn. I'm an excellent boss, and we should employ this hierarchical structure between us more often.

You’re a brat.

I stifled a giggle as the artifact’s pull enveloped me. “It’s somewhere among this display,” I murmured. “But while I feel it, I don’t—” I paused as a stone, shaped like a spearhead on a velvet pillow, vibrated so subtly that I wouldn’t have noticed it without these new upgrades to my abilities. “Why are we looking for it?”

“The artifacts are a part of who you are,” he said.

I frowned at him. “How do you know?”

“That’s why this artifact calls you. It’s the next one you need, so it’s the one you sense.”

Okay, that is cool. I could use more of the 4-1-1, though.

Thorn did not respond, and I don’t think I’ll get the answers I sought during this fancy black-tie event.

But Thorn momentarily leaned into the same display case before recovering and moving on to the next display. We moved past the tables and through the beautiful art. After a few minutes, Thorn gave me a tutorial about what we gazed at.
