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“Nothing. I don’t carry anything in my jacket.” He reaches for it and checks both pockets. In the first, nothing, but when he put his hand into the second, his eyes shot through with red. He gasps and pulls away, shoving the jacket at me.

I reached into the pocket and pulled out a talisman. “I know this magic.”

Thorn refused to touch it but placed his fingertips over mine, holding my hand steady as he scrutinized the talons wound around the tourmaline. “A little rudimentary.”

I scoffed. “Did the job, though, yeah? You just about lost your shit at the gala. Back when Kye was there. Your teeth elongated and your eyes turned red.”

He sighs. “You’re right.” He holds up the talisman. “You said you know who made this.”

“No, I said I know what kind of magic it is. I can’t name the witch who made it without more research. Chastity could probably name them just by seeing what kind of thread they used.”

“Could it have been Chastity?”

“Gods no. She’s a fucking artist. She’d never put out work this shoddy. Besides, she does no harm, including to the bird sacrificed to bind this.”

“Okay, okay. I respect the vegan witch. How do you get rid of it?”

“You don’t know?”

He sighed and gave me a long look. “If I were an all-knowing, all-seeing god, I certainly wouldn’t need your services, would I?”

“Maybe, but I get the impression that sometimes, you have me do things you could easily do for yourself or have your real people do.”

The corner of his mouth twitched. “You are my real people, and no, I am no mystic. In fact, my abilities are more akin to a shifter’s than yours are. That’s why we make such good partners.” His eyes twinkled, and he tried in vain to stifle a smile. “You complete me.” He holds out his hand dramatically.

He surprised a laugh out of me, and I snorted. “Shit. Okay, okay, I get it. I’m actually useful to you, but let’s not start that ‘you complete me’ bullshit.”

Not unless you mean it, Thorn, not because you’ve got some brain-bending talisman in your jacket pocket.

“You’d have been useful to the pack, too, if they weren’t so determined to ostracize anyone who isn’t a werewolf.”

He’s right, so I didn’t argue. After a few years left to my own devices and especially the last week, I hardly remember why it was so painful not to be accepted by the pack and why I’ve been trying so hard, for so long, to be ‘worthy.’

“Well then, tell me about the final piece of the puzzle, while I pour us a couple of stiff drinks with the very expensive booze you have here.”

He gestured at the fireplace, which started to crackle almost immediately, tiny flames licking the ceramic faux wood. I know he must have the remote in his hand, but it still gets a double take from me.

He stepped to my back and laid his hands on my shoulders. I leaned against his chest and breathed in his sexy scent, but he pushed me forward.

“Stare into the fire, Elena. You have three artifacts, now call to the last and command it to reveal itself to you.”

The fire cracked and flared a bright blue, and at first, I got nothing. But then I sensed a steady pulsing, and I turned toward it.

“Did you find it?”

“I have an idea where it is. You won’t like it. I know I don’t.”

“Where is it?” he said eagerly, like a kid drooling for ice cream.

“I’m pretty sure it’s in pack territory.”

Thorn turned solemn but then looked me straight in the eye. “Nothing you can’t handle.” He smiled and spoke with such confidence that my heart warmed, and I felt ten feet tall. I’m willing to go to hell and back to see that rare smile again. But I didn’t get to revel in it long. The smile disappeared again as he stared intently at his phone.

“Barbecue?” he said.

“Sure. But how about you order some liquor with the food. And while we’re waiting, tell me about this artifact I’m seeking.”

He looked up from his phone, and the excited gleam in his eyes made me rethink the whole “get the artifact” quest.
