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“Thank you,” I say timidly. It’s odd receiving seemingly genuine praise from them.

“My brother tells us you’re in a rough spot and need help getting you and your boy out,” Orin shoots straight.

“Yeah, I’ve got some money saved up, but since I don’t have much on my credit other than the stuff tied to my business, I’m having trouble getting an apartment. Jaz would help, but they won’t allow her to add a second apartment based on her wages. Your brother said the two of you might be able to help,” I explain.

Jonas and Orin give each other a look. “We’ve got a place we could help you get into,” Jonas says.

4 Splinters of Peace

Heaven Don’t Have a Name by Jeremy Renner

“Youcan’tstaymuchlonger. He’s going to figure out what you’re up to. I don’t want you anywhere near him when he snaps, baby,” Gemini says. I’m so thankful he was there the day I decided to put my assault on the record. Not going through with it was even better. It brought Gemini, Orin, and Jonas to us. Being a narcotics detective, he doesn’t normally deal with cases such as mine but fate, the universe, God, or whatever drew him to help me. Now, he’s become something more than a savior along with his brother, Orin, and their friend, Jonas.

“I know, but I want to give Zander one last Christmas with his father. He may not see him anymore until he can make that choice on his own when he's older. I can do this for him.” I close my eyes, and hold onto the hope that we'll be gone soon, and that I'll never have to see my soon-to-be ex-husband again. I finish packing up a box of the coffee mugs I made for Gemini, Orin, and Jonas, then tape it shut.

“You have way too big a heart, baby. I still don't like it. You should leave, bring Zander and come stay with me, where you both belong. We're lucky he can't really understand what’s happening and blow the whole plan. I don't like not knowing if that piece of shit will come home in a bad mood and beat you. I'm not sure I'd let him live. You've been lucky lately with him being gone so much for work, especially after the last beating, when you came to us for help.”

“It's only two days, then Zander and I will be free the day after Christmas, and you won’t have to worry so much.”

“I’ll always worry about you and Zander until he’s behind bars where he belongs,” Gemini says fiercely.

My eyes close, too heavy for me to keep open with the emotion from him, and I whisper, “I know.”

I look at my watch and note the time. Steven will be here soon, and I need to clean some things up, and hide their gifts before that happens. I’ve never had to worry about hiding things from Steven before. It’s been a trial with many devastating errors on my part. Good thing I learn quickly.

When I started getting things for Zander and my new life, I made the mistake of having the billing address for the storage unit sent to the house, stupidly thinking I’d get the mail before Steven. It wasn’t like he checked the mail, or so I thought.

Pulling into the drive, I get Zander out of the car, take him up to his room, and put him down for a nap.

Descending the steps from the second floor, I hear the garage door close. Steven must be home early. My anxiety kicks up since I tossed the mail on the counter, not expecting him home yet. I saw a bill for the storage unit in it. I pray that he doesn’t mess with it and leaves it for me to deal with.

The universe is not on my side this time.

Crossing the threshold into the kitchen, my step falters when I see Steven casually flipping through the envelopes on the counter. I try to cover it up by pretending to pick up an invisible paper off the floor, intending to put it in the trash.

“What is this?” Steven’s deep voice stings in my ears like a hot branding iron. My eyes fall closed as dread spiders through my body. Then, pretending I don’t know what he’s talking about, I stand up but don’t dare move closer. Hoping that the distance will give me a head start to get away.

“What’s what?” I ask, cocking my head.

He holds up the envelope from the storage facility, “This, Heather. It’s addressed to you.” He flips it around so the front is facing him again and says, “Why would they send something specifically addressed to you?”

“I’m not sure. Maybe Jaz got it and put it in my name by mistake,” I try to cover my blunder.

“What reason would she have to do that?” Steven isn’t stupid. It’s how he’s become so financially successful. That, and he’s shrewd and calculating in every aspect of his life.

I don’t have a logical response because there isn’t one. All I can do is stand there and wait in terror. He doesn’t make me wait long. He lunges for me. Spinning on my heel, I bolt away from him in a feeble attempt to escape.

His arm hooks around my stomach and hauls me into his rigid body.

“What’s the unit for, Heather?” Steven breathes in my ear. Turning my head away from him, I push to get away, but it’s no use. As always, I’m no match for his strength.

Coming out of the nightmare, I glance down at my watch. Not much time before I can expect Steven home. I learned that lesson fast. That’s why I give everything to Jaz for her to keep at her place now.

I hate to do it, but I need to get a move on.

“Gem, you know I hate doing this, but I have to get off the phone before Steven gets home.” I don't have to say anymore. He always gives me what I ask for, even if it doesn't sit right with him. He lets me make my own decisions, and that's something I love that I get from him. It’s a relief, and it has anxiety taking hold of me, all at once.

I’ve never had anyone, other than Jaz, that I could count on. Certainly, never a man. Not even my own father.
