Page 15 of Sweet Psycho

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The next thing I know, I’m in his lap, straddling him. My hips rock against the bulge in his pants. “You’re turned on.”

He grins at me. “Yeah, Ace, I’m turned on. You’re in my lap.”


“An Ace, often unexpected.”

“I’ll allow it,” I say before I kiss him again. Thoughts of anything else leave my mind. I wrap my body around his. I could do these kisses forever. My whole chest is warm. A buzz of excitement unlike any I’ve ever felt before hums through my whole body. It’s addicting.

“Ace,” Owen groans. My eyes flutter open, and I see I’m now on my back, laid out on his couch. “We should stop.”

“I don’t want to.” I press my hips upward to rub myself against him. The throb between my legs is unbearable. “I need—” I lick my lips.

“I got you.” His hand slips down the front of my baggy pants and into my panties. “You’re bare.” He groans again. His nose flares. He likes that.

“It’s cleaner. I try—” My words die on my lips when two of his rough fingers find my clit. He presses them firmly against me, making small circles. “Owen.” I dig my nails into him. Holy crap. Am I going to come already? How many times have I tried to do this myself and failed each and every time? I’ve quit trying.

“Go on, let it out, Ace. Come for me.” His mouth is at my ear. “Say my name.” He nips at my neck.

“Owen!” I cry out his name as the pleasure shoots through my body. I shake with the euphoria of it. He holds me close as my body comes down from the sensation.

Slowly Owen pulls his fingers out of my pants. I watch as he licks them clean. Reality starts to settle in around me. And it doesn’t have anything to do with Agent Duffy’s mission. It’s me remembering the tag I have on and thinking about how Ocean might have heard every second of what just happened.

From nowhere, jealousy fills me. It’s irrational, but I can’t help it.

“Do you bring lots of girls home and do this?” I need to find out about all past lovers. My mission is slowly changing. I could learn something from them about Owen. There would be lots of information there. I could also kill their credit scores or do other things.


I glare up at him. He only smiles.

“Well, then you should keep it that way.” I sit up, wondering what I’m supposed to do now. He doesn’t rebuff my comment forbidding him from kissing or touching other women. Did I make it clear enough? “It’s Wednesday,” I blurt out when the silence starts to grow—or maybe it didn’t. I might be cutting off his chance to get me out of here. I’m not going anywhere. Yet.

“It is.” His smile grows.

“I eat spaghetti on Wednesdays.”

“Spaghetti?” A deep, sexy chuckle leaves him. My already hard nipples grow almost painful at the sound.

“You asked if I was hungry,” I remind him. Does he want me to leave?

“Spaghetti it is.” He stands, offering me his hand. I take it.

Ocean might have been right about the whole love potion thing. That or Owen is now without a doubt my new obsession.



“Where’d that come from?” Roxanne eyes the fresh spaghetti noodles I made earlier in the day, the pasta still sitting on the counter.

I shrug. “I like to make fresh pasta during the week. It just so happens I made spaghetti today.”

“You grow your own wheat or something?” She sits at the island, her eyes missing nothing as she looks at the stove, the cabinets, and the wine selection.

“I do. This is semolina wheat from last summer, the same variety they grow just outside Rome and all over Italy. My red wheat will come in at harvest this year, in the fall. I don’t grow a ton of it, just enough for some loaves here and there along with my pasta.” I grab a bottle and put two glasses on the counter. “This is from a vineyard I’m part owner of in California.”

“There aren’t any records about–” She bites her bottom lip.
