Page 18 of Sweet Psycho

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“You’re better than the tiramisu.” My face rushes with heat. After he gave me dessert, I told him I would never be able to return the favor. That if I ended up in a kitchen and was left to cook a meal, there would most likely be an explosion. Owen was set on proving me wrong, so he slipped his hand into my pants and gave me another orgasm. I can’t help but wonder what he tastes like.


“The sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted.” He kisses me. My taste lingers on his tongue. It makes me wiggle in my seat and want him to give me more orgasms. I don’t think it tastes as good as tiramisu, but coming from his lips, he might be right.

I sink my teeth into his bottom lip. He groans against my mouth. “Ever? Out of everything or everyone?” I push. I’m finding that I’m rather possessive when it comes to him. Something I’ve never been about anything or anyone in the past. It’s going to be a problem. I already sense it deep inside of me. I was an only child. I don’t think sharing is my strong suit.

“I promise you, Maggie.” He brushes his mouth against mine. I love the way he says my name. I should taste him now. Then again, I have no clue what I’m doing. I should google it. I mean, I’ve read about it in books, so I know the basics. But reading about it and actually doing it are two totally different things.

My stupid phone starts to go off, disrupting my train of thought and putting a damper on the moment. It was set to silent with the exception of a few people.

“Not a boyfriend, is it?” he asks, the tone of his voice suddenly changing.

“Would that make you jealous?” I ask, intrigued by this idea. It’s not that I want to make him jealous, but it might show me that whatever this is I’m experiencing isn’t one-sided. Then again, people make out and have sex all the time. It’s normal to the rest of the world. I don’t like it. Before it didn’t bother me, but then I didn’t have to think of Owen doing such things.

“Of course.”

I beam at his answer.

“Good.” I wiggle by him. “It’s just my best friend—who’s a girl—or my dad.” He could never meet Ocean now. He saw her at the coffee shop. Not that it matters. This is a job. I’m here to collect information and move on. As of right now, I’ve got nothing. Except that he gives killer orgasms and makes the best spaghetti I’ve ever had.

When I grab my phone, I realize I was wrong; it’s not Ocean or my father who was trying to reach me. It’s Parks, and he’s fucking with me. Does he know I’m here? I’m sure he does. The little fucker. I growl. A sexy chuckle comes from Owen.

“Sorry, I have a small growling problem, according to my dad.”

“It’s adorable.”

“Adorable?” I push my glasses up my nose.

“It’s one of the many things you are.”

“Sexy?” I fish for more of his compliments.

“Yeah, babe, sexy is high on the list.” He smiles at me, not minding how direct I can be.

“I should get going; my father will get worried,” I half-lie. My dad will worry, but I don’t want to go anywhere. Unfortunately, there is no other choice.

“I could make a to-go box for your dad,” Owen offers.

“He’d love that.” An idea hits me. My phone is still in my hand. “Where is your phone? I’ll program my number into it.” He pulls it out of his back pocket and hands it over to me without missing a beat. Then he goes and rattles off the code. Not that I would have needed it. Phones are child's play for me when it comes to decoding things.

Owen goes to box up the spaghetti for my dad. I clone his phone before using it to call my number. Not my real one, of course, but the one I want him to have. I need to keep reminding myself that he’s a professional and that I’m technically undercover here. I need to make sure my tracks are covered.

“I called myself, so it should be in there.” I set his phone back down on the counter. “You’ll like text or call, right?” I chew on my bottom lip. Owen presses the lid onto the container.

“Yeah, I want you to text me when you get home so I know you got there safe.”

“Okay.” I melt.

He grips my chin. “Are you always this agreeable?”

“I don’t know,” I answer honestly. Am I agreeable? “With you maybe.” He smiles as he leans down to kiss me again. A trace of guilt fills me that I cloned his phone, but I wouldn’t take it back. I also know I didn’t clone it because I want to get information on him for Duffy. No, I want it all for myself. I want to dive into his world and get as much information on him as I can. I need to figure out who he is. I want to know every detail and every move he makes.

Too soon I’m pulling out of his long driveway. He stands on the porch watching me go. The second I’m on the main road, my phone rings. I hit the speaker.

“You were there awhile. I would have busted into the place, but those thermal images didn’t look like he was killing you.”

“Ocean!” I hiss.
