Page 36 of Sweet Psycho

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“I can come with you,” he offers. I consider it for half a second. “No, I’ll make her a deal.” There’s got to be something Duffy will bargain for.

“A deal?” He lifts a brow.

“Lots of secrets the government doesn’t want out.”

“Ace, you’re not going to release anything that could harm someone.” I huff because I know he’s right.

“Fine, I’ll let her know that you’re mine, and I’ll keep you in line.” I fold my arms over my chest and hold my chin up.

“If anyone could, it would be you.” He grabs me and pulls me in for a hard kiss.

“You’re going to let me go?” I tease, stepping back.

“I’ll know where you are. Always.”

I bite the inside of my cheek. That might sound crazy to some, but it’s hot for me. “If you tried to hack my system, I might just let you in.” I wink before darting out the door, knowing if I stay longer, I won’t be able to leave. I need to get back to the house and make sure my father isn’t losing it. He’ll deal with the feds for a time, but he has a limit.

I hop into my car and take off toward my dad. As I drive, I can’t help but wonder how he and Owen will get along. They have a lot in common really.

“We gonna talk about what you just did?” Ocean’s voice pops out of my phone. I should have known she wouldn’t last long without all the juicy details.

“He’s obsessed with me. It’s crazy really. Basement filled with information about me.” I can hear the smugness in my own voice. I can’t wait to go back down there so I can be reminded how crazy in love he is with me.

“How fitting.” Ocean laughs. “Sounds like the two of you are psycho soul mates.” I smile, thinking she’s right.

I glance to my side as a black SUV starts to come up alongside me. My eyes lock with two dark green eyes that I know.


For a second, I think maybe Duffy sent him to trail me, but as quickly as I have the thought, I push it out. Parks isn’t a field agent. He shouldn’t be trailing me. I try to slam on my brakes, but it’s too late. He swerves the SUV, pushing me off the road and into the ditch.

Glass shatters all around me. I hear Ocean call my name over and over again. I try to respond, but darkness takes me.



Icheck my phone, following Maggie as she drives home. When the car stops, I get a strange sensation at the back of my neck. Why would she stop there? It’s just a stretch of country road.

Before I even know what I’m doing, I’m heading out the front door. When I get in my truck, my phone rings.

“Ocean?” I answer.

“How did you know–never mind.” She’s talking fast. “I was on the phone with Mags, and she got in a wreck. Or at least, I think she did. She’s not answering me. My drone’s on the way, but it’s not fast enough. I can’t get there until–”

“Already on my way.” My stomach drops at the thought of Maggie in a car accident. Fuck, I should’ve driven her home, even if it meant blowing my operation and revealing myself to Duffy. “Call me if you find out anything.” I hang up and focus on the road, putting my foot down on the gas pedal as I speed along the road. Out here, cars are few and far between. The land is mostly owned by private companies in big swaths for mining or drilling for oil.

Coming around a curve, I see a plume of steam rising from the ditch along the side of the road. My guts churn as I hastily pull over and jump out. The car is overturned, the engine ticking and shattered glass everywhere.

“Maggie!” I yell and race down the side of the ditch.

Skidding to a stop, I get to my knees and look inside. She’s not there. I scramble back up to the road and look around. There are tire marks and shattered glass up here. It wasn’t just her vehicle. Someone crashed into her. Whirling, I follow the tracks in the grass.

My phone rings. I answer. “Someone hit her on purpose, then carried her away from the wreck.” I follow the line of trampled grass and find a small blood splatter on the faded pavement. Somehow, I know it’s hers. “She’s hurt.”

“What? Why?”

“I don’t know.” I get back to my feet and look around. “How close is your drone?”
