Page 101 of A Twist of Poison

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Hours later as we all relaxed into the evening, every male in the room snapped to attention, jumping to their feet as a stranger entered the room. I heard more than one pair of heavy footsteps on the polished wooden floor. I felt the charge in the atmosphere and the hairs on the back of my neck prickled as I observed the scene.What is going on?

“I would say welcome to my home, but you’ve invited yourself straight in,” Chris announced dryly. Oh, this was going to be interesting.

I stood trying to peek round the three-man wide human wall that’d materialised before me but was shoved back gently onto the couch by Texas.

“Sorry, I needed to get in without being seen by watchful eyes. No time to waste,” replied the voice, deep and laced in authority.

I elbowed Preston and snuck through their wall, coming face to face with four men.Holy hell. I totally wanted to fan my face because they were all kinds of hot with matching leather cuts over their clothing. They had nothing on my guys, but I could still fully appreciate the male specimen with my own two eyes.

I was in love, not blind.

Noticing the scuffle, the one I assumed to be the leader—considering his stance and how he carried himself—turned from Chris to glimpse at me.

Sky-blue eyes.No way. I groaned aloud and he flashed me a cocky smirk, obviously remembering me. To be honest, I’d not remembered much after dancing with him, so I was kind of intrigued as to why he’d turned up here at Chris and Valerie’s.

“I remember you,” I declared, “Nice dancing, but who exactly are you?”

He barked a laugh and the other men with him smirked. “I’m Micah Mayfair. President of The Forsaken MC in Westmount, a few hours down the road from here.” I vaguely knew of the area, but it didn’t stand out to me. Motorcycle club?

“Dancing?” Texas glowered, and I realised I had all three of my men giving me irritated looks filled with an undercurrent of jealousy.Oops.

I grimaced. “It was the night I partied in Lower East Bay by myself, when I ended up overdosing, remember?”

Hollis nailed his gaze back to Micah and spoke in a cool tone, “What did you want with our girl?”Fuck’s sake, this wasn’t a pissing contest.It sure felt like it though.

“I had to check out the Owls’ trustworthiness for myself. I was already in the area on a job. It was by chance that I stumbled upon Milla, but I was aware how she was linked to you three.” He indicated between my guys.

“Look… I’ve got precious cargo to protect, plus I figure you now owe me since I called an ambulance and waited until she was loaded up safely for the hospital.” He shrugged his broad shoulders like it was no big deal that he’d saved my life that night when I’d been reckless and totally out of it.

Dad stepped forward, holding out his hand. “I’m Dean Rossi, Milla’s dad. I’m in your debt for helping my daughter when you didn’t have to. If he—” dad gestured to Chris with his thumb “—can’t fulfil the favour, I’m happy to.”

Micah shook his hand confidently. “I know who you are and I appreciate it. I’m inclined to trust both of you with this.”

“This?” A girl darted round the other bikers and stepped up to the side of him. She was tiny, only coming up to around his shoulder. But he was taller than any of my guys, so sort of a giant.

She’d clearly been hidden behind them protectively while this conversation played out. With a sneer on her face she levelled him with a glare. “I’m not athis!”

She was strikingly beautiful, long golden blonde hair that fell down her back and with an obvious attitude. I was adamant we’d make firm friends.

He looked down and growled at her, “Violet, you are whatever I deem you to be. Remember that.” His eyes flashed, and she crossed her arms, not bothered by his attitude. And in my head I was mentally high fiving her. I was in awe of this pint-sized girl standing toe to toe with him.

“And you don’t control me, remember that,” she shot back in a saccharine sweet tone. Snorts of laughter rippled around the room.

“I like you,” I announced, grinning.

She broke out in a grin to match, “Thanks! I don’t mean to be rude in front of strangers, but he just pisses me off.” She waved her hand in his direction without looking. The bikers tried to rein in their laughter, except Micah, who just stared at her with an exasperated expression.

“This is Violet St Clair, myproperty.” He emphasised that last word, glancing between Chris and my dad, and they dipped their heads in acceptance to acknowledge their understanding.What’s that about?The girl in question just arched one of her eyebrows at me and tilted her head in a disbelieving notion.

“I’ll need her hidden and guarded until I personally return to get her. She’s not safe with us right now, so keep your eyes peeled.”

“No problem. We’ll make arrangements,” Chris confirmed.

“Vi,” Micah barked, and she turned back to him. “Keep up your schoolwork, no excuses. And for God’s sake, fuckingbehave.” He drilled her with a look at which she just rolled her eyes and made her way to sit on the couch behind me.

“Is he your brother?” I asked her, curious about their dynamic.

“No,” she replied instantly, giving me a strange look.

“How old are you?” I queried.

“Sixteen.” she answered. “I feel twice my age though.”

I understood that completely. Something in my gut told me that this girl was a kindred spirit, and had probably seen or been through something that’d changed her perception of the world as she knew it.

I dropped on the couch next to her. I was curious as to why a sixteen-year-old was caught up with an MC, especially being placed under their protection and with Micah taking a special interest in her. It was obvious to me that they meant no harm to her.

“So, how did you get entangled withthem?”

Her eyes met mine with a kernel of fear running through them, which had my full attention. She swallowed, “Well…”
