Page 29 of A Twist of Poison

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“Sorry man, didn’t see you around today.”—that’s because I wasn’t on campus—“But wanted to follow up on that message I sent.”

“Oh,” I remarked, lowering the speed on the car so I could pay better attention.Yes, I was one of those people.“The one about Milla?”

“Yeah, so…” he cut off and left me waiting. I tapped my fingers on the wheel in agitation.

“Spit it out,” I demanded.

He huffed, “Right yeah, okay… look, I noticed bruises on her body, she realised I saw them and passed them off as a kink.” A disbelieving laugh left him. My fingers tightened around the steering wheel. “I let her think I believed it, but she was highly defensive, trying to deflect the attention from it. Red flags, that’s all,” he finished telling me.

Giving him an acknowledgment and hanging up with a harsh slam of a button, I crossed over lanes as I steered my direction toward campus without a second thought, needing to see her. Needing to hold her. Fuck, what was she gonna think?

Biting my tongue, I tried to calm my racing thoughts going off on their own tangent. I needed to get laid; I was coiled tighter than a viper before it struck. And that’d happen if I didn’t do something to take the edge off.

Doing the only thing that I was positive would help temper the storm brewing inside, I veered off the highway driving through a few residential streets until I found one of the woodland parks that surrounded most of East Bay. I manoeuvred down the bumpy turning through the array of overgrown trees with their branches knocking against my car.Best not leave fucking scratches on my paintwork.

I parked up, turning the headlights off swiftly with no time to waste and unbuckled my seatbelt. I zipped down the fly of my jeans, pushing my boxers to the side. My cock hardened with the thought of Milla. I took myself in hand, pumping up and down aggressively, swiping over the tip bringing the wetness down my cock, imagining her mouth sucking me as she hollowed those cheeks of hers. I tightened my hand, clenching my teeth as the fantasy played out so realistically in my mind.Nearly there. I bit down on my lip.Fuck yeah.

The phone rang and…fuck. No, no, no. I was too far gone. The call automatically connected as I cursed internally, making a mental note to turn that fucking option off for future reference, still pumping myself frantically breathing heavily with my jaw clenched, muffling the sounds.

“Preston?” A nasally voice echoed round the car, one that I didn’t recognise straight away.

“Yeah, who’s this?” I questioned, voice strained.

“It’s me, silly.”Super helpful.

I grunted a noncommittal answer. This mysterious girl had called for a reason, so she’d best hurry the point up as I’d paused my movements and stopped jerking off, instead wasting precious time listening to this idiot and wanting her to just get the fuck on with it.

“It’s Kelly,” she continued.Who?“I’ve gone down on you a few times, and we nearly had sex at that party, you know the one?” Her voice, which was attempting—and failing—to be sexy, just made me want to slide my head against a cheese grater to escape its clutches. “Annabelle’s friend,” she continued.

“Oh, Annabelle,” I acknowledged, finally feeling like we were getting somewhere. She let out a huff, clearly frustrated I recognised her friend’s name, not hers.

I wouldn’t call it a positive thing. I only recognised Annabelle’s name because she was a stage five clinger who Texas had been dipping into on the regular; she was a looker, no doubt about it.

The crazy had kicked in though, especially as Texas’ wandering eyes hovered to Milla whenever she was in the same vicinity. Annabelle’s eyes turned into tightened reptilian slits with a gaze which told you she was gonna keep being the queen bitch she was known for. Betting she’d go nuclear at some point, I couldn’t wait to hide behind a smirk and watch Texas deal with that drama.

“You’re calling me. Why?” I inquired, voice conveying my annoyance.

“Oh, erm.” She giggled nervously as I still contemplated with all seriousness sliding my head against that cheese grater. “Annabelle said you’d want to double date and suggested me.” I was silent. “She’s arranging something for herself and Texas, like a couples thing. We’d fit together well, seeing as we’ve fooled around and it just makes sense if she’s dating one of your best friends, because then we’d all be together and like… hang out.” Her confidence grew as she blabbered on.

I was done. She’d interrupted my time, annoyingly, at a terrible moment too. But as much as I berated myself for keeping the call connected and listening to her fucking drivel, I was glad because Annabelle was being a sneaky bitch. Texas fucked, never dated. It was genuinely laughable.

“Babe,” I drawled the sarcasm thickly laid on. “Firstly, lose my number and never ever call me again. Understand?” I carried on, not letting her answer. “Secondly, my brother is not, and never will be, dating your friend.” I barked a laugh and she cut the call. I realised one of my hands was still on my cock, which had now gone soft, and I wasn’t happy about that. At all.

I pulled up some porn on my phone, clicking on one of today’s most popular categories—big dicks. I wanted to see some woman lose her mind in pleasure from the size of a cock I could relate to.Because… obviously.

Stroking myself gently as my cock hardened again,I pumped myself and scrolled down the videos and glimpsed a few seconds of the trailer clips on them, one thing was for fucking sure… my eight glorious inches felt like they’d shrivelled up and shrunk to an embarrassing two.

These weren’t just big cocks. Oh no, they were fucking monster cocks. And I was talking, how the fuck do they even fit inside someone? You’d have to jerk yourself off with two hands instead of one to even feel anything, leaving you no place to hold your phone watching porn. That was unfortunate.

Damn, I was half impressed, and half horrified as I relaxed my hand, jerking myself off in favour of scrolling through more of these videos. I clicked on one and forwarded it to a few minutes in.Woah.

I felt like a teen who’d just learned of different porn and various kinks. Tilting my head slightly, I picked back up to the frantic speed as I watched this dude stuff as much of his motherfucking beast of a cock—which could be classified as a weapon—into the woman who looked so tiny, she could be snapped in two.Ah, fuck this.

I typed in a new search, and I breathed a sigh of relief, letting my momentary self-consciousness float away as I pumped myself to a normal sex scene where the woman was being railed hardcore. So close, I pinched my eyes shut as I finished to the sounds of her screaming orgasm.Much better. My body eased, a ton more relaxed.

Grabbing a napkin from the glove compartment to wipe the cum off my hand, because what sort of heathen didn’t steal free restaurant table napkins for the sake of it? That was the tissue’s sole purpose in its minimal ply life. I stashed it in the car door storage space and popped open a bottle of hand sanitiser. Rubbing it through my hands, I sighed at the relief that little session gave me, agreeing with myself that I would never ever click into that first category again for my state of mind, ever.

The internal storm calmed to a manageable level, one that I’d now contained. I turned the car round, driving it back to my destination, campus. Specifically, North Wing.Milla, I’m coming for you, and you best have a good explanation.
