Page 15 of Moon Bound

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“You’re so fucking beautiful,” I breathe. Despite wheezing, while my ribs knit themselves back together, I reach a hand up and stroke the soft fur behind her ear again. She immediately snaps at me, just short of taking off my fingers. I soothe her with soft sounds, allowing her to recognize me as not the enemy. A few minutes pass, a battle for self-control and conflict raging behind her golden eyes.

The crack of a bone shatters the tension between us. Instantly checking myself over, I soon discover it wasn’t one of mine. Another crack follows until a symphony of breaking bones returns the Aspen I’ve longed to see. Firmly pinning down my shoulders, her lips hovering inches above mine. She’s panting heavily, which has nothing to do with her shift. Retaining their glow, her eyes become hooded as I trail my hand through her hair. Aspen tries to suppress a groan as I massage her scalp, a fang tearing into her bottom lip in the process. The scent of my blood on her tongue plows into me like a freight train, the most intoxicating aroma of us mingling filling my senses.

I can feel my control slipping away like water from a broken dam. An unstoppable wave of desire takes its place as I am overcome by the need to have her, to keep her, and own her completely. My primal urges demand satisfaction, and I give in with reckless abandon. My hands snake around her waist and lock her against me as my lips crash down on hers.

“I-shit, Aspen,” I mutter against her lips. “I’m so sorry-” her lips slam onto mine—a feverish need claiming us both as we fight to get closer to each other. Our kiss quickly turns desperate and passionate, her body undulating over mine with a delicious friction that I can feel through my cargos. My hands move all over her like they have a will of their own, exploring every curve. The craving to have her here and now rises up fast and strong within me, threatening to consume us both.

My lips crash against hers, tasting the sweet nectar of her blood. I'm not one for such a craving but there's something about her that makes me feel like I'll never be able to deny it. The kiss grows more passionate, a frenzy of tongues fighting for dominance. Aspen holds my face with an ironclad grip and drags her nails through my hair, sending shivers down my spine.

Before I can notice what she's doing, her fangs sink into the vein of my neck. She drinks deeply and hungrily, each pull drawing out an animalistic growl from me. My hands slip around her waist to press our bodies together tighter as she drinks in my pleasure.

My eyes roll back in ecstasy; this is entirely new to me, yet so familiar at the same time. This moment between us is chaotic and wild, feral and alluring. It's clear - undeniable now - that Aspen has enthralled me from the first day we met. Anything for her; to protect her, win her, belong to her.

A rumbling stirs my senses, and I force myself awake to see the star-spangled night sky above. The moon is a bright beacon, piercing through the thick clouds like a lighthouse guiding me into danger. Like a bucket of ice-cold water poured over my skin, I suddenly lurch upright, away from Aspen.

“Fuck!” I gasp, half-shoving Aspen off me. Her hurt navy eyes bore into mine as she looks at me incredulously. “Oh no, I didn’t mean…”

"Shit, Aspen...I..."My hands hover in midair, my instincts telling me to touch her again—to make amends somehow — but I don't trust myself. I'm afraid if I do, I'll never be able to let go.

A throat clears through the trees, and I spin on my heel to witness a figure cloaked in darkness in a large trench coat, just like mine.

Without warning, pain sears across my cheek as Aspen slaps me. Her navy eyes filled with hurt and loathing. She spins and takes off in the opposite direction. While part of me wants to chase after her to explain everything, as I look towards the figure in the shadows, towards the senior member of the Supernatural Council, I know it's too late - there's no going back now.

With one last fleeting look over my shoulder at Aspen's receding form, the feel of Aspen still lingering on my skin like an unforgettable scent, I turn-- knowing that despite wanting her, refusing the council wasn't an option.



“Where’s bird brain?” Chase chuckles, along with Torsten and Jax, leaning against the cabin.

“Get fucked,” I groan, stomping through the open front door before sunrise.

It took me most of the night to exhaust my wolf and inner monster of their conflicting desires. Sawyer’s kiss and the heady spill of his blood left me high, intoxicated, and craving for more. Transitioning from feeding on one human a month to three supernaturals in the span of just a few days probably wasn’t the best idea, but fuck if I don’t want more. But then came Sawyer’s sudden dismissal, and my wolf’s wounded pride was just as formidable to suppress. Now I’m naked, filthy, and about to be locked inside a cabin for the best part of twelve hours with these cocky assholes.

My feet land heavily on each wooden step of the stairs and through the master bedroom to the en-suite. Tossing my white hair over my shoulder, I step into the shower, uncaring of the temperature. All that matters is scrubbing away a night’s worth of adrenaline and rejection whilst my fangs throb. I groan, slamming my head against the wet tile.

“Haven’t you had enough?!”

This is only the beginning,the voice in my head replies. I drown out its chuckle, clawing shampoo through my hair. Only when I'm thoroughly rinsed clean of dirt, and my body has been washed vigorously with a rough sponge, do I step out of the shower. The mirror above is coated with droplets of condensation, but my reflection stares back perfectly. And I don’t like what I see—pointed white teeth that refuse to retract hanging over my bottom lip and my navy eyes a shade brighter than I was used to. My skin appears paler and flawless, blending into my white hair. Even my muscles appear slightly thicker, with a clear line of definition below my biceps. I’m becoming one of them.

You’re becoming your true self, that voice pipes up again. I shake it loose. This is all happening too fast. I’m changing quicker than I can track, and I worry that I’ll wake up and not know who or what I am. I’ll be the monster I’ve kept caged for so long. Groaning, a fang cuts my lip, and the door flies open.

“What’s wrong? I smell blood,” Jaxon bursts inside the room in a blur and grips my face in his large hands. He doesn’t realize I’m butt naked and damp until it’s too late, his labored breathing against my face mixing with the sudden plume of arousal penetrating the air.

“I’m fine,” I frown, tearing my head from his grip. Wrapping a towel around my middle, I quickly exit before my body takes control of my actions without my consent. Only to find two exceptionally large, extremely ripped vampires lying across the bed wearing nothing but a pair of boxers and intrigued smirks.

“I’m seriously not in the mood,” I sigh. “Just be gentlemen for once and fuck off.”

“Nah ah Princess, you didn’t win the bet,” Chase shakes his head slowly enough for his hazelnut brown locks to shift in steady waves. “You didn’t catch any of us, so it’s time for your forfeit.” Puckering his lips.

I plaster a smile and shrug. “You’re right. Deal’s a deal.” I allow my towel to fall free. Jaxon steps forward of his own accord, his sheer alpha power skating across the skin at my back. Both vampires on the bed drop their mirth-filled expressions, nostrils flaring and pupils dilating. Strolling with an exaggerated sway of my hips, I crawl up the bed to be sandwiched between Chase and Torsten.

Yes, my inner voice hisses. She guides my movements, pushing my chest out to faintly connect with Chase’s. His long hair pools over the forearm, holding him up, his tattoos on full display. From war scenes to a language I don’t understand, he is covered from neck to waistband and beyond. As are the other two in the room, breathing so heavily, their desperation is palpable. I feed on it, inhaling the sweet scent of eager dominance. But the only one that matters here, is mine.

My arm moves faster than Chase can track as I grab his heavy balls through his boxers and squeeze hard. At the same time, I throw my head backward to connect with Torsten’s face, the crunch as orgasmic as kissing them would have been.

Dirty liar, the beast inside groans while my wolf howls with delight. Landing my elbow in Torsten’s ribs, I arch my back to shove him back the way he’s unknowingly shuffled until I broke his nose. Clamping my hand tighter around Chase’s balls, I’m sure I felt a pop as I growl into his shocked face.
