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"If I knew that she wouldn't be missing," Alessandro said flatly. "I'll explain everything on the way to get you help."

"No, I'm not going anywhere except to find Mia."

"Teo, that place on your head doesn't look good and I saw you limping. You need to have your foot and your head looked at before you go off searching for her. The guys are on it and they're going to keep me updated."

"I'm not wasting time getting looked at until after I find Mia."

"Look, you may be my future don. But you're also one of my best friends, so right now I'm going to tell you like it is. You're going to go get checked out and make sure that you're okay. Then, we're going to find Mia together. We will catch up with the guys as soon as you're taken care of but for now, you're going to get in my car and I'm going to take you to get looked at by the doc."

"Alessandro..." I growled but he didn't back down.

"You'll get there a lot faster in my car than you will trying to hobble along to catch up to the other guys."

I let Alessandro lead me to his car and reluctantly climbed inside. Once we were flying down the road in the opposite direction the guys had gone. I glanced over at him begrudgingly.

"You do realize that this could be seen as insubordination right?"

"Yeah, well, you can scold me later. Right now, we need to get you taken care of and find your girl."


Ijolted awake froma sudden movement that jarred my entire body. It seemed too sudden and was gone too fast to be an earthquake, but I sat up straight and glanced around the dark room.

There was barely any light seeping through what appeared to be seams in the corners of the walls. I wasn't sure where I was, and my head felt like it was filled with thick mud. I rubbed my eyes, trying to get the film away and blinked a few times, but I still couldn't see much with the low lighting.

I stumbled to my feet, feeling as if the whole room was rocking back and forth. I barely made it to the wall without falling over and reached out to hold myself up. The walls were metal and crimped like what you would see in a storage building or a shipping container. As I held on to the wall I realized that the rocking motion, while intensified by whatever I'd been drugged with, was not all in my head.

I held on to the wall and made my way to where the light seemed to come in the most around the door to the shipping container I assumed I was in, but it wouldn't budge. I bang my fist on the door and called out even though my throat felt like sandpaper. I had a feeling that my chance of someone hearing me was slim.

After screaming for what seemed like a long time, but was probably only minutes, the door opened and a man I didn't recognize walked through.

"Who are you?" I stepped back, realizing that making a fuss was probably not the best idea. "Where are we? Where are you taking me?"

"So many questions," he said with slight amusement as he stepped toward me slowly and I stumbled backward, losing my footing and falling back onto the hard metal floor. Pain shot through my wrist and shoulder on impact.

"Be careful. You're going to end up hurting yourself. Here let me help you up." He spoke in a light tone that made me think that he wasn't the one who had originally taken me and probably had no distinctive ill will toward me. Most likely I was just another job to him and at least he seemed like he didn't want me harmed. He reached down and I let him help me up.
