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“Well, before we get started, should we get you a drink?” I waved a server to our table and the man hurried over.

“Bonjour.Can I get something for you?”

“Just a club soda,s'il vous plaît.”

“Of course. Coming right up.”

We waited for the server to return before broaching anything more than small talk, like the weather and how her train ride had been. Once she had her drink and the server was out of earshot, I leaned forward with my elbow on the table and lowered my voice.

“So, what was so important that we had to arrange this clandestine meeting?”

Anna took a sip from her glass and let out a sigh before readjusting herself in her seat. “I know you don’t remember me, and photos can be altered, but I’m sure you remember the night that picture was taken.” I listened intently, wondering why she went straight into defensive mode instead of just telling me whatever it was she had to tell me.

“Why don’t you tell me?”

“Your brother had just found out that your father had set up an arranged marriage. He wasn’t happy about that and so the two of you were out blowing off steam.”

Wehadn’t exactly been blowing off steam. It was more that Gio was determined to get trashed, and I followed along to keep him out of trouble, but I couldn’t expect her to know that.

“Yes. And I remember that Ionlyagreed to have two drinks. So how is it that I don't have one memory of you?"

"That I don't know, but I wish I did. The most I can offer is my accounts of that night if you'd care to hear it."

"That would be most helpful, thank you."

"I was out at the club to unwind after a really bad week. I was contemplating leaving because it wasn't really my scene, when you grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the table where you and your brother were. You thought I was a waitress and tried to give me your drink order."

"That sounds mortifying."

"It was actually kind of cute." Anna smiled fondly at the memory. "You apologized and bought me a drink to show that you were sorry. We spent the whole night talking and dancing and flirting."

"Okay, but I don't understand. Why did you seek me out just to relive that night?"

"Because that wasn't the end. After a while of dancing, things began to heat up..." she squirmed in her seat, looking uncomfortable, and a realization hit me.

"Oh, you mean we..." I waved my hand between us, and she nodded.

"You took me up to your brother's VIP suite and we spent the night together."

"And you heard that I was getting married? You thought you'd try to find me, and I'd decide to be with you instead?" Annoyance at the woman's nerve had my tone rising slightly but I forced my volume to remain low enough to keep the conversation between the two of us. "Why would I choose you over my fiancée? The woman I love."

"Because I'm pregnant," she blurted out and my jaw dropped as my brain rushed to catch up.

"No. That was months ago."

"Sixteen weeks, actually. I didn't know who you were until I saw your wedding announcement and when the wedding fell through, I thought it was fate. I knew I had to find you and tell you."

"I don't believe you." I wasn't sure if it was true that I didn't believe her or just denial but either way I felt anger bubbling up inside me at this woman who decided to come into my life and turn everything upside down. Rationally, I knew that if it was true, it wasn't her fault or at least no more than it was mine, but a part of me blamed her for messing everything up, right when everything was about to fall into place with Mia.

Anna removed the jacket that had been draped across her lap and stood up, exposing the smallest little bump to her otherwise flat belly. "Do you still think that I'm lying?"

