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"Perfect. Thank you, sir."

And with that, I ended the call. I had work to do and a wedding to prepare for.


After a relaxing andromantic night with Teo, I felt better about the wedding. A text from Mira claiming to have everything under control helped. But considering all the sabotage we’d dealt with over the past months, I was still on edge.

I’d gone to sleep, wrapped in Teo’s arms but when I woke, he was gone. Panic shot through me and worry took over. I threw the sheet off of my legs and jumped out of bed.

“Teo? Teo?” My voice rose with each moment that I didn’t see him until I finally noticed a note on the bedroom door.


I know how you feel about tradition, and I thought we could use all the luck that we could get. So, in keeping with the tradition of not seeing the bride before the wedding, I left early to check on the last-minute changes. I love you, and I can’t wait to see you finally walk down the aisle to me. I ordered you room service. I know you're nervous about everything going smoothly today but make sure you eat something. The girls should arrive by ten for you all to get ready together. Enjoy every moment of your special day.

I’ll be waiting for you at the altar,


I couldn’t help but smile reading Teo’s words. I couldn't wait to marry him. After a quick trip to the restroom, I made my way to the main room where the small dinette table was already filled with a delicious array of French breakfast foods.

I poured myself a glass of juice and dug in. Once breakfast was done, I went into the bathroom to take a shower. I was just lathering up when my stomach roiled. An overwhelming sense of nausea struck me all at once. I hopped out of the shower just in time to throw up.

I threw up two more times before I was able to climb back into the shower and rinse the soap from my body.

After my shower was done I wrapped myself in a fuzzy robe and sat on the bed. I pulled out my phone and called Mira.

"Ciao,Mia. Vittoria, Courtney, and I are just heading to your room."

“Okay.” I nearly croaked the word through my strained throat.

“What's wrong? You don't sound good.”

“It's nothing. I just feel sick.”

“It's probably just your nerves.”
