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“Luca was shot?”

“He assured me that it was just a flesh wound and that it could wait until we get back on Italian soil. He’s more concerned for the fallen men.”

“Their sacrifice was not in vain. You guys took out a huge enemy today and I will see that their families are taken care of.”

“I know they will appreciate that.”

“Make sure that Luca gets checked out as soon as you’re home.”

“I will. We should be offloading around Tuscany.”

“Call me with your coordinates and I’ll have the jet ready to transport you all as soon as you land. It should be patched up by then.”

“Oh yeah, I heard about your dramatic entrance into France.”

“You have no idea, but we will catch up on all of that as soon as you're back.”

“I look forward to sitting down with you and having a strong drink after this.”

“You got it.”

I ended the call just as Mia joined me outside of the dining room. “Everything okay?”

“Better than okay.” I slipped my arm around her and pulled her against me, dipping my head to softly kiss her lips. “They got them.”

“What?” Mia looked up at me in surprise and confusion.

“Alessandro and Luca. They got Graziani and his men. Took them all out at a family meeting. It’s over.”

“Oh, Teo.” Mia squeezed me tight and I tipped her chin up to claim her lips again.

“I told you we’d get them. We will take down anyone who threatens our family, and I will keep our baby safe. I promise you that.”

“I love you,” Mia whispered against my lips.

“I love you too,bellissima. With my whole heart.”
