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"Are you hungry?" I glanced at Sienna in the passenger seat as we neared the compound.


"Teo and Mia are expecting us for dinner at seven thirty so you should have time to clean up beforehand."

"Do you have dinner with them every evening?"

"No. I don't live at the compound. I have my own place, but it isn't as roomy as this and I thought you'd appreciate having your own space while you're here."

"Oh, I see. Do you plan to stay with them for the entire month?"

"If that's where you are, then yes."

"Are you growing attached to me?" she teased.

"You are my responsibility while you are here. I would never dump you on Teo and Mia."

She flinched and I instantly regretted my words. In truth, I was beginning to grow fond of her and I wished that we'd met under different circumstances. Ones where I could have eased her into the life slowly, showed her all the good before her vision was already clouded by the bad.Maybethen...

I shook my head, ridding myself of the 'what ifs' and focusing on what was. I needed a backup plan. Another way to keep from having to kill her without betraying Teo's orders.But what?

I pulled into the drive and past the guards’ house that was still under construction from when those damn Romano brothers attempted to bomb the compound after Teo and Mia's wedding. They'd been through so much to find their way to each other, and I still planned to do everything I could to help bring down what was left of the Romanos as well as find that traitor, Gabe once I figured out a way to save Sienna.

I parked the car and escorted Sienna into the house.

“Why don't you go upstairs and get cleaned up before dinner? I'll let Matteo know that we're back.”

“Not going to take me up there and lock me in yourself?”

“You've already agreed to stay for the month. I trust that you will abide by that agreement.”

And it was true. I didn't see her running when she had agreed to give us a chance. But just in case she had any ideas about escaping, I felt the need to warn her against it. I didn't want to see her get hurt. I turned back before she made it three steps up the stairs and called to her.

“Besides, everyone’s been told that you aren't to leave without an escort. You wouldn't make it past the guards’ gate.”

Sienna scowl slightly before giving a nod and turning back to head up stairs. It had been a good day and I hated to sully that with a reminder of her captivity, but it was better that she had that in her mind then to get caught trying to escape.

I wanted her to choose to stay. She was a good doctor, and she could be of use at the clinic. I had no regrets in doing what I had to, to save Luca’s life, but I was responsible for what came after. If it weren’t for my carelessness, she would have gone home that next morning and back to her normal life. I wanted to make that up to her. I wanted to make sure that she had a good life if for no other reason than to assuage my guilt.

After she was upstairs, I headed down the hall to Teo’s office and knocked quietly.

“Entrare,” Teo called from inside.

I opened the door and stepped inside. “Ciao,boss. I just wanted to let you know that we were back.”

“Good. How’d things go at the clinic?”

“It went well. Sienna found her footing quickly and was a lot of help to Armando.”

“That’s good.” Teo closed his laptop and motioned for me to sit. I took my seat, feeling tense, knowing that there was more he had to say. “I know it’s only been a few days, but do you think she’s going to choose to stay?”

“I don’t know. This was only her first day at the clinic, but she seemed to enjoy helping people again. I just don’t know if it will be enough to convince her to leave everything she knows behind.”

Teo nodded thoughtfully. “I’m taking Mia out to eat this evening, but tonight at dinner try to get a feel for how Sienna liked working at the clinic. Also, go ahead and make arrangements to take the jet back to Tuscany at the end of next week so she can visit her father and bring him back with you. I’ll arrange for his care for when he gets here.”

“You’re really going to let her go?”

“For a visit,sì.And with your supervision.”
