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"W-what do you want?" I hated how my voice trembled and sounded so weak. I was not a weak person. In the operating room, I called the shots. People answered to me.

"Shh, we'll get to all that soon enough."

He sounded so calm and casual, as if my response to being kidnapped and shoved into a car was an overreaction. As if it was a common occurrence, although perhaps for him it was. Perhaps he was a trafficker and kidnapping women was something he did regularly just like punching a timecard. The thought of being trafficked caused a sick twisting in my gut.

Could that be what’s happening? Could they be taking me to some holding facility where other women were being held against their will, locked in cages and sold off like cattle?

I had seen documentaries where a girl had escaped from those horrors, but I was fairly certain that those stories of escape were the exception and not the rule. I didn't know why they had taken me, but what I did know was that I had to be strong. I had to be smart. I had to be the exception.

It wasn't long before the car slowed, taking a turn before coming to a stop. I held my breath, watching the men as they checked our surroundings.

"Alright,micetta. Time to go."

I tensed as he released my legs and grabbed both of my wrists, hauling me up and out of the vehicle.

"Where are we?" My racing heartbeat pounded in my ears as I glanced around the dark parking lot, finally spotting a sign on the front of the building for a veterinarian's office. “What are we doing here? What do you want from me?” My voice rose as I fought to break out of his grip.

"Uh-uh. You've been doing really good so far. Don't start acting stupid now and get yourself hurt. Be a good littlemicetta.And you'll be back home safe in your bed in no time." Even while admonishing me, his voice was calm and controlled, but it somehow made him seem even scarier.

I barely had a chance to hesitate before he dragged me across the parking lot to a back door of the vet's office. Another man waited just inside the dimly lit hallway and my captors stopped to talk to him.

"Ciao." They clasped their arms, greeting each other like two old friends.

"Where is he?" the one holding my arm asked.

“We put him in the surgery suite. This way."

The way the others spoke to him, it was clear that he was the man in charge.

"How's he doing?"

"He's hanging in there. Been in and out of it."

"You know I'm not a vet right? I can't work on animals," I stuttered looking between the men as they guided me down the hall.

"Well, that's a good thing, Doc. Because he's no animal,” the new man who had joined us said.

They led me into a room, and I stumbled to a stop as I spotted a man lying on the surgery table, his shirt half soaked with blood.

"What's going on?" I stumbled back, crashing into the stone-hard chest of the smooth-talking boss man. His hands flew to my hips to steady me, but his grip was more like a caress than the vice it had been.

"Whoa,micetta. You okay?"

His fingers flexed on my hips, and I sucked in a deep breath, suddenly feeling too warm. I straightened, pulling away from him to stand on my own.

"I'm fine. What's going on here?"

Using his hands still on my hips, he whirled me around to face him. “Here's the deal. Save our friend here…” He nodded to the man on the table. “And we let you go. It's as simple as that.”

“And if I don't save him?” I challenged, wondering what would happen if I was unable to save the bleeding man. With the amount of blood, he had lost, it was a viable concern.

I regretted my question the moment I said it. The man before me almost appeared to grow in size. The lines of his face hardened. He clenched his jaw, and his eyes turned cold and menacing. He pulled out a gun and I scrambled back from him. I knocked into the other man who had helped grab me at the hospital, but I never took my eyes off of the icy glare from the boss.

"That is not an option." His once smooth tone transformed into a rough growl that sent shivers down my spine. "If you want to walk out of here alive you will save his life. Or do everything within your power to do so."

"Why not just bring him to the hospital? There's medical staff and supplies I'm going to need if I'm going to save him."

"How do you know? You haven't even looked at his wound yet."
