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We sat at my father's favorite restaurant not far from the nursing facility. I tried to take him there once a month as a special treat. So, when Alex asked me where we should take my father for lunch, it was the first place that popped into mind. We spent the day with my father. He showed us the gardens where they work to plant tomatoes and herbs and we went bowling before going to eat.

The night before, I had seen a side of Alessandro that I had never expected. He'd show me a lighter side than ever before laughing, teasing, then...sleeping with him. I still couldn't believe I'd slept with him. And it was amazing.

The waitress filled our glasses one last time before clearing our plates.

"So, Papa, are you looking forward to taking a trip up North?”

“I guess. It’s kind of a bad time with the new bowling league and everything.”

“How long have you been in the league?"

"Not long but we are going to be competing against another retirement home next month."

"Oh, that sounds like fun."

"Yeah, your mother hates it though."


"Always complaining when I don't get home right after work."

I sighed, feeling deflated as my father slowly regressed. Every time his memories faded away, I mourned the loss again.

Alessandro scooted closer to me and took my hand in his. My father followed the motion with his eyes.

"Are you two going out tonight?"

"We were thinking about it," Alessandro said as I tried to compose myself.

"Well, it's a school night so you make sure you bring her home by a decent time."

"Papa..." I started but Alessandro responded.

"Yes, sir. What time would you like me to have her home?"

My father studied Alessandro with an intense glare. "Well, you seem like a decent guy. Let's say ten."

"Yes, sir."

"And don't you even think about any hanky panky while you're out. I'm friends with Don Manetti. One call to him and they will never find your body."

"Papa," I scolded. "Don't say things like that."

I glanced at Alessandro who raised a curious eyebrow at me before looking back to my dad. "You know Maximo Manetti?"

"Little Max?" My father scoffed. "I'm talking about Emiliano."

"How do you know him?"

"We were schoolmates long ago, but we've stayed in touch."

Alessandro shot me a suspicious look and I flinched. I’d never told him that we’d had any connection to the mafia before. It was part of the reason I was so skeptical about working for the Venturis, no matter how civilized and nice they seemed, I knew the dark truths that lay hidden just under the glamorous surface.

Alessandro gave a light nod to himself as if pocketing the information for later before turning his attention back to Papa. I was grateful that he didn't cause a fuss in front of my father. It would have been more upsetting and more confusing for him. Once our lunch was over, we drove my father back to the nursing home in awkward silence.

Alessandro had paid one of my father’s nurses a hefty sum to work at the new facility while my father was there so that it wouldn’t be such a shock to him. She would be getting him packed and ready to go while we packed at my place. Then, we would all head for the airstrip together.

I hugged him and kissed him on his cheeks before leaving him alone in his room. He was exhausted from our fun day and needed his afternoon nap before our trip.
