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"Something's changed." Teo studied me from across his desk. “You seem different somehow.”

I smiled as an image of Sienna wearing just my shirt crossed my mind. “I feel happy, content.”

“That's good. I'm happy for you. However, I still don't feel completely comfortable with your arrangement with Sienna.”

“Why’s that?”

“If word of your arrangement gets out, it could set a dangerous precedent. You see that right?”

I hadn't seen it. I'd been so focused on keeping her safe and keeping her with me that the ramifications of what I had done, what it could mean to the family, had not crossed my mind until that moment.

“To be honest I hadn't considered it,” I admitted to Teo. “All I knew was that I couldn't do what I needed to do, and I had to figure out a way to be able to keep her.”

“I understand. You love her.”

“I haven't known her long enough to love her.” Even as I said the words, I wasn’t convinced.

“I only knew Mia for a couple of weeks before I knew that I loved her,” Teo admitted, and I gave a thoughtful nod.

“The last thing I want is to cause problems in the family. But how can I fix this?”

“You need to get her to agree to stay on her own. She needs to have the freedom to leave and choose to stay.”

“And if she doesn't?”

Teo cast me a look. "Then the same rules apply but I'll get someone else to handle it.”

“Teo, please. I thought we were past this.”

“I don't know any other way. At least this has bought you more time with her and maybe that's what she needed to make the choice to stay.”

“I hope so,” I said with a sigh.

Teo and I said our goodbyes. I left his office and headed to the clinic to pick up Sienna. Teo had said that I loved her and if I really let myself admit it, it was true. I did love her. I loved her enough to let her go without the threat of death hanging over her choice.

Teo wanted me to let her have a choice and see if she stayed with me, but the terms had not changed. If she chose to go home again, Teo would have her killed to protect his family. But Sienna didn't have any family to protecther. All she had was me. I settled on my decision and pulled up to the clinic.

I called the front desk and asked them to send her out. While I waited, I called in a takeout order at a great little restaurant that we passed on the way home. I wanted that night to be enjoyable for both of us because after that, everything was going to change one way or another.

Sienna came out of the clinic, laughing with one of the nurses who was also leaving for the day, and I gave a bittersweet smile at the sight.

She waved at me and said goodbye to the other lady, hurrying to the car.

"Ciao."She smiled as she climbed inside.

"Ciao.How was your day?"

"It was good. Really busy, but good. And yours?"


She raised an eyebrow at me. "Interesting, good or interesting bad?"

"I'm not sure yet. I called in dinner so we can pick it up on the way home."

"Sounds good.” She tilted her head and studied me. “Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, or at least I will be. There's something I want to talk to you about after dinner."
