Page 73 of Hopelessly Devoted

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“What don’t I know?” I demanded angrily. “That even my brothers, the people I shared a womb with, can’t put me first? I’ve done nothing but consider the three of you and your feelings my entire life. I’ve put all of you before myself. Your happiness was always more important to me than my own. And not a single one of you could even do something as small as getting my stuff back for me.” Tears snuck up on me, and two spilled free before I could stop them. “Well, I’m tired of putting everyone else’s needs over my own. I’m tired of being the one who gets walked all over. I’m done, period.”

“No one asked you to put our needs over your own!” Bryant exploded. “If anything, I’m pissed as fuck that you did that, Doe. How dare you let stupid people hurt your heart for years. You just sat back and took it. You put your mental health at risk for people who don’t deserve to walk the same streets as you. For what?” he shouted. “Me? LJ and Jackson? We aren’t worth such sacrifice. But you? You are our baby sister and the most precious person in the world, second to no one.”

“If I’m so precious to you, then where is my stuff?” I shot back.

“Don’t worry about your shit,” he growled. “Soon, you’re going to know everything, and then you can decide what happens to your things. Until then, you remember something, baby sis.” He reached out and took one of my hands. I balled my fingers into a fist, but he gently wrapped his around them. “Remember that we will do anything to ensure your happiness. Even if it means burning West Bridge to the ground to accomplish it.”

Unease settled over me. “What does that mean?”

He didn’t answer.

“Bryant, what does that mean?”

When he remained silent, and LJ avoided looking in the rearview mirror, I leaned forward. “Bryant? Tell me what you meant.”

“It means that no one is going to walk all over your feelings again, Doe,” he finally said. “Especially the people of West Bridge, Tennessee.”

I jerked back, already fearing what my brothers would do—the impact the results would have on their futures. July was so close, and then they would get drafted and I wouldn’t have to worry about them so much. But until then, they had to stay out of trouble.

Scared of what they were planning, and why, I turned to Jenner. “You told them about why I don’t want to live in the house.” It came out as a statement, because I already knew the answer. The way his jaw clenched was the only reply I expected, but it still felt like a direct blow to my heart. “Will there ever be anything that stays yours and mine? Why does everyone else get to know our secrets? Was I blind this entire time, thinking we were equals in this relationship?”

In the passing lights, I saw his throat bob several times. Even as hurt and angry as I was with him, all I could think was how good he looked. The short beard, the strong jawline. His wide shoulders that took up most of the back seat. We’d made love just that morning before I went shopping with Violet and the others. I’d whimpered how much I loved him as he’d finished inside me. Everything had been right in the world at that moment. There was no thinking about his new job or moving. It was just the two of us, and for a mere moment in time, it was as if the rest of the world didn’t exist.

“I know you don’t believe me right now, little lamb,” Jenner rasped. “But from here on out, it will only be you and me. No outside influences. No making any decisions without talking it out first. You are all that matters to me. I promise, my only goal has been to make you happy. Now I see the mistakes I made, and I’m trying to rectify them.”

“By continuing to lock me out?” I countered. “How can I believe anything you say when you just dropped me into the back of this car like a bag of trash? You haven’t told me where we’re going or why. I trusted you with my heart, Jenner. I gave you a piece of myself I’ve never trusted anyone else with in my entire life, but all you did was shatter it. I thought…” Swallowing around the lump in my throat, I gave a dry laugh before continuing. “I honestly thought we could make it because we love each other. But the joke was on me all along for believing in such a fairy tale.”

The car filled with what could only be described as the howl of a wounded animal. His huge hands cupped the sides of my head, his thumb stroking over my cheeks lovingly, while his fingers tangled in my hair to the point of pain. Jenner’s eyes were wild, like a feral beast that had locked eyes with the only person who could truly tame it.

But I was no longer sure that I was the one who was supposed to spend my life taming him.

I wanted to—wanted him and us—but at what cost to myself?

“Doe, Mom, and Dad are the reason Jenner took the job. They convinced him to surprise you with the house,” Bryant explained when it appeared that Jenner was unable to form words.

“I know,” I replied quietly without looking away from the man who held on to me like the lifeline I’d always wanted to be for him.

“You knew?” my brothers shouted in unison.

“I’m not a complete idiot,” I said, speaking more to Jenner than to Bryant or LJ. “I realized they’d had a hand in everything, and why, earlier. When you told me you bought the house instead of renting, it clicked. That doesn’t excuse anything. All it did was prove to me that we aren’t as strong as I’d hoped, and I felt like a fool.”

“No, baby, no!” Jenner groaned, pressing his forehead to mine. “I’m the fool. I didn’t suspect they were playing me. Not once. My gut told me to tell you what was going on, to get your opinion on everything, but your mom convinced me that it was better to surprise you.”

“I think you let her convince you because you wanted the same things they did,” I murmured. “And you didn’t consider my opinion on any of this because I allowed you to think stomping on my feelings was okay. I understand because everyone…” I clenched my eyes closed against the pain of the reality that single word caused me. “Everyone has done it my entire life. But I can’t do it any longer, Jenner. I can’t marry you and let the cycle continue.”

“I know I hurt you.” His voice came out as little more than a raspy, pain-filled whisper. “I’m so fucking sorry I’ve caused you even a moment’s worth of pain. Punish me all you want, little lamb. I deserve it. But don’t leave me. That’s not punishment. It’s nothing short of torture.”

Chapter 7


The rest of the drive to the farm was accomplished in complete silence. I kept my fingers in Doe’s hair, our foreheads pressed together, breathing in her scent—and praying.

Her brothers had given me hope that once she knew I’d been manipulated by her parents, she would magically forgive me. But it seemed she’d already figured out what her mom and dad were up to on her own. That didn’t stop her from holding me accountable, as she should. I’d had a gut instinct, but I’d ignored it.

Never again.

I wasn’t sure how I was going to win Doe back, but I knew living without her wasn’t an option.
