Page 24 of Vicious

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Something was going on. As much as I wanted to forget about everything between me and Vicious, it seemed the club brothers were of a different mind. To make matters worse, Vicious, Ghost, Reaper, Matrix and Slaughter spent most of the day in a meeting, only to come out occasionally to grab something to eat or drink. When they did, they would smile and tell me everything was going to be okay.

They were freaking me out.

Typically, the brothers didn’t pay attention to me. I was the nanny. My job was to look after the kids and oversee the school room. I loved my job. I was good at it. All these men here were virile, strong, and highly independent. They had their own lives to worry about instead of thinking about me. Then there was Vicious. I felt horrible about the way I acted last night. I’ve never been so unforgiving before. He tried to apologize, and I ignored him. I could clearly see the pain in his eyes and not from the apparent beating he took. The man was genuinely sorry for what he said. A small part of me wanted to tell him I forgave him, that everything was all right, but I didn’t. I didn’t know what stopped me. Maybe some miniscule act of self-preservation on my part. Vicious wasn’t like any other man I met before. He was just more of everything. His age gave him an air of sophistication the other brothers lacked, seasoned knowledge that I felt drawn too. The man was sexy as hell and seeing him sitting in his kitchen looking at me with his pain-filled eyes, everything in me wanted to make it all better.

“Ms. Linsey?”

Snapping out of my thoughts, I saw Elizabeth staring at me. Smiling at the exceptional girl, I said, “Yes, sweetheart?”

“Dad said you are leaving us. Why?”

“Why would you think that? I’m not going anywhere.”

“I overheard Dad and some others. Dad is taking you away from here. Don’t you want to stay here with me?”

I honestly did not know what Elizabeth was talking about. As far as I was concerned, I was quite happy here within the Golden Skulls compound, even with the disagreement between Vicious and I. I felt safe here and now that the clubhouse knew about my nieces, I had no plans whatsoever about leaving. That was the farthest thought from my mind.

Seeing an office door open, I got up from where I was sitting as Vicious and the others walked out of the room. Upon seeing me, they all stopped. “Why does Elizabeth think you are taking me away from here?”

Vicious looked at me, then at the others, before responding, “I was going to talk to you about that tonight.”

“I’m here now. Speak,” I said, placing my hands on my hips. The man before me gulped as he sought his friend’s help once more. When none of them were forthcoming, he stepped to the side. “Let’s talk in here.”

Following him back into the office, I noticed that Reaper, Ghost, Slaughter, and Matrix followed. Holding out a seat for me, I sat as he soon followed, clearing his throat. “I don’t want you to worry, but…”

I chuckled. “Vicious, never start a sentence that way with a woman because our first inclination is to worry. Just tell me what is going on.”

“There is a hit out on you,” Matrix blurted, as Slaughter slapped his arm and groaned. “Dude!”

“Well, Linsey is good with facts. Didn’t see any point in dragging this out.”

“Still could have been nicer about it.”

“I was nice.”

“What Matrix means,” Vicious growled, halting the bickering brothers, “The media knows where you are at. They have for a couple of days now. When you announced you were the spare and the legal guardian of your nieces, there was no place you could hide, Linsey. It wouldn’t matter if you stayed here or went to Timbuktu. The fact of the matter is, you are a very wealthy woman who is now in control of a billion-dollar company.”

“But the company said they wouldn’t release my whereabouts.”

“They didn’t,” Matrix stated, “Your sister’s mother-in-law did. When she learned you worked as a nanny for me, it didn’t take her long to investigate me and my affiliations with the club. From there, it was a process of elimination. I’m sorry Linsey, but she found you because of me.”

“It’s not your fault Matrix,” I sighed. “I never hid the fact that I worked for you.”

“Because of her, the media knows your location and because of who you are and what you represent, there are people out there that will benefit from your death.”

“Mainly, Mrs. Blackwell.”


“So, what do I do now?”

“Tomorrow morning, you, me and all the girls will board a plane for New York City. That is the only place where we can protect you properly and still give you the space you need to do what comes next.”

“I don’t understand. What do you mean, what comes next?”

Vicious cocked his head as he just stared at me for a second before asking, “Linsey, you are the spare. Tell me what that means?”
