Page 73 of King

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They were mean as fuck.

“DIMETER!” one of them yelled.

“Oh God,” the pussy cowered behind me like a little bitch.

“Oh, now you believe in the lord almighty,” Priest chose at that moment to speak up. “Why is that when the end is near, even the most devote atheist seeks the lord’s grace?”

“Shut it, fuckface.”

“We know you are in here, Dimeter. You coward!” another sister yelled.

“Scribe, this is my fucking wedding. Grow some balls and go see what those witches want.”

“Already know what they want. I told them no, but they won’t listen. They said the eight ball has spoken. They even got my parents to agree.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Gunner asked, annoyed.

“They found me a wife!”

Looking at the cowering pussy, I ignored Priest’s laughter as Gunner chose at that moment to tap me on the shoulder. “What?”

Unable to speak, Gunner had the fear of God on his face. Taking his cue from Scribe, he just pointed. Turning to see what the fuck was wrong now. I froze as I watched my wife and Jessica approached the actual ho’s. The club whores who were told to stay the fuck away. To make matters worse, one of Scribe’s sisters, I didn’t know which one, saw the whore’s and sneered before walking over to them.

That’s when shit went sideways and downhill fast.

Before I could even make it halfway across the room, my lovely wife was once again on top of Bridget, pounding her head into the floor, while Jess and one of Scribe’s sisters were tag-teaming Karen.

For the first time in my life, I felt sorry for the club-sluts.

“Damn it, cupcake!” I yelled, walking away from my brothers to extricate my woman from spending twenty-five to life for murder. By the time I got my hands around my wife, the fight was clearly over as Bridget and Karen both lay on the floor, moaning and crying. It was becoming a typical sight to see. One I was getting used to.

“Woman, one day,” I growled in Bailey’s ear, holding her tight.

I wish I could say that the drama faded over time, but I wasn’t married to a woman with the nickname Venom for nothing. There were many times we butted heads, and like I promised, I groveled and begged for forgiveness. In the end, we found our own way.

When our daughter was born nine months later, my life felt complete. I never knew unrequited love like when I looked into my daughter’s eyes for the first time. My beautiful Rose, with her mother’s stunning green eyes and a mop of curly red hair.

Life was perfect.

