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Throwing the door inward, my pupils dilated, her tear-streaked face now stoic as she regarded me.

“You’re a fool, you know that?” she rasped.

I nodded. “Yeah,” I agreed, stepping back to let her inside.

She remained in place and peered behind me.

“Is anyone with you?” she asked nervously.

I shook my head, and she shuffled forward. Through the ivory of her t-shirt, the halo of her own gold arch glowed more powerfully than I’d noticed before, and my shoulder sagged. A part of me had wondered if our mate bond had been broken in the wake of what had occurred. The yearning in me hadn’t diminished, but given Abby’s ability to stay away, I wasn’t sure she felt the same.

“So you did get my texts,” I commented dryly.

She spun around as the door closed, her loose reddish curls flying as she confronted me.

“You’re not making this easy!” she moaned, the anguish in her voice palpable. “Why did you send me that time capsule?”

I moved closer to her, reading the emotion on her face.

“You remember it?” I asked huskily. “The time we spent putting everything in there? We promised we’d go back for it in fifty years.”

She turned away from me, but I cupped her chin in my hand, forcing her to look at me.

“I remember.”

“You never went back for it.”

She scoffed and attempted to pull away, but I held her fast, sensing that she wasn’t putting up much of a struggle.

“I’m trying to move on,” Abby groaned, but she tilted her head back, her mouth willing me closer.

She wasn’t fooling me. She’d come here for me.

My hands met her waist, and I pulled her toward me, my breath falling hotly on her face.

“Elijah, what are you doing?” she whispered.

Her question wasn’t about the kiss I silenced her with, but about my presence in general, but that could wait. The throbbing hardness in my pants couldn’t.

Her tongue jutted out to tease against mine, her eyes closing as our mouths melded, and we were entangled in an embrace that grew to full heat in seconds. Tighter, I pressed her toward me, my palm snaking down against the bottom of her shirt. Items of clothes littered our path as we waltzed backward to the couch, our movements already in perfect sync. It didn’t matter how long we were apart; our bodies recognized each other intuitively.

When I finally sprawled her slender, perfect form over the sofa in the living room, Abby’s ripe, full breasts half fell from the lace cup of her black bra, the fronts of her matching panties drenched. Her pheromones flooded me, hardening me instantly until my cock was distinctly uncomfortable, pressing urgently.

The stubble of my unshaven cheek rested against her, and I nudged her chin with my nose, exposing the creamy skin of her neck.

“Oh, Elijah,” she moaned. “What am I going to do with you?”

“I know what I’m going to do with you,” I purred back.

As I drew her in deeply, all the blood in my body rushed to the same spot. I felt dizzy with the scent of her, my erection throbbing already. For days, I had been envisioning her exactly like this, pinned beneath me, wriggling and pleading. I intended to savor the moment, as much as I wanted to take her, hard and fast. I willed myself to slow down, to taste her, to relish each drop of her skin as if for the first time.

Abby’s fingers brushed over my cheeks, then my shoulders, before pulling me down along the contours of her body.

“I haven’t stopped thinking about you,” she whispered. “I can’t stop thinking about you.”

I murmured an incoherent response, her breasts in my mouth by now, my hands falling over her thighs to spread them. She offered me no resistance as I sat back to look at her glorious center before diving into the smooth flesh of her belly, my tongue circling the areas with careful precision.
