Page 107 of Stealing Home

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My heart dances at his words. I know how he feels, and I’m proud of him for taking the leap. There’s nothing easy about it, but if it’s what’s in his heart, then it’s what he needs to do.

“Maybe you should go on that cooking competition show, then,” I say slyly, poking him in the ribs.

He snorts. “Let’s see about telling my family first.”



“It’sthe one at the end of the cul-de-sac,” Mia says. “With the blue shutters.”

“It’s a nice house,” I say as I wedge the car in between a driveway and an SUV. The whole street is crammed with cars, even though it’s barely noon. “There are a lot of people here already.”

Mia has a grim look on her face. “I told you it would be busy.”

I squeeze her hand, glancing at Cooper and Penny, who are both unbuckling in the backseat. “It’s not too late to bail. We could get lunch somewhere, or just go to James and Bex’s place early.”

She shakes her head before I even get the whole sentence out. “I told Giana I would be here. I want to keep that promise, at least.”

“We’ve got your back,” Penny says. “I’m not above telling off Momma di Angelo if things get weird.”

“It’s her specialty,” Cooper drawls.

Mia slides out of the passenger side of the car, slinging her purse over her shoulder. “Thanks, guys.”

“If you want to leave early, just say something about Philly cheesesteaks,” Penny says. She smooths down the front of her sundress, balancing on the curb.

At Cooper’s look, she adds, “What? Your brother lives in Philly. I thought that made complete sense.”

“I love you,” Cooper says, sounding both fond and exasperated.

I hold out my hand, glad when Mia takes it, and let her lead us in the direction of her parents’ house. I still can’t get over the outfit she’s wearing; when she came downstairs earlier, I nearly did a double take. She’s in a light pink dress with a matching cardigan and sandals with white bows on top. I don’t know where she unearthed it, but she’s carrying a matching pink purse, and there’s even a pink clip in her hair. When I stared at her, raising my eyebrows, she just gave me the finger. She looks a lot like Izzy in this getup, but I know better than to tell her that.

When we get to the door, she stops, smoothing my hair back. “Maybe you should have worn the blue shirt.”

“I’m sure this is fine,” I say. I’m in jeans and an Eagles t-shirt, because I intend to respect the rules of the land I’m about to enter, and in addition to the cookies I made for the dessert table, I have a bunch of James Callahan signed jerseys and hats for Mia’s relatives. Her dad is a huge football fan, so Cooper and I are prepared for a touch football game. We don’t have a lot of extended family, so this is foreign to me, but I know when to turn on the charm. By the end of the day, Mia’s family will love me, and hopefully, that will help ease any tension. I might not be a baseball player for much longer, but they don’t have to know that right now, and I intend to milk that all-American image for all its worth.

Mia sighs, taking a step back. “I guess you look acceptable.”

“That’s her favorite compliment,” I say, grinning at our friends.

She rolls her eyes as she gives Cooper and Penny a once-over. “And I guess you look fine too.”

“Hey,” Penny says. “Who spent an hour in the bathroom with you before we left?”

“True,” Mia concedes. “Okay, let’s—”

The front door swings open, revealing a woman who looks like a version of Mia a couple years into the future: the same dark hair and eyes, the olive complexion, the heart-shaped face. She’s wearing a spring green dress and an apron dusted with flour.

“Mi-Mi. Are you going to make your friends stand on the porch all day?”

Mia smiles. It’s a mask of a smile, one I recognize from the days she tried to brush me off. She steps forward to hug the woman. “Hi, Giana.”

“Giana,” Penny says, accepting a hug from Giana next. “It’s nice to see you again.”

She gives me and Cooper flour-and-rosemary scented hugs too. “Let me guess,” she says, gesturing to me. “You’re Sebastian.”

“Guilty,” I say. “And you’re Mia’s sister? It’s so nice to meet you.”
