Page 12 of Stealing Home

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I can practically hear Cooper’s voice.Whipped for a girl who won’t give you the time of day?

I can’t keep the worry at bay as I look at her. She has dark circles underneath her eyes and a pinched edge to her face. She deserves somewhere nice to stay this summer while she’s focused on her research, and at least right now, she doesn’t have that. I watch her shut the car door, swiping her hand—with that bitten-down thumbnail—through her damp hair.

The absurd urge to invite her to stay at my house rises, but I tamp it down just as quickly. She wouldn’t want that help either, and I can’t give it, anyway. You don’t invite a girl to live with you while you’re trying to get over her. That’s like deciding to quit smoking and immediately going to buy a new vape.

I keep my gaze on the maintenance truck rolling into the parking lot. The crew will have a hell of a job getting rid of all the water, much less fixing the plumbing and ceilings. We peered into the bathroom next to Mia’s room, and sure enough, it had flooded as well.

“Wasn’t sure I’d see your underwear again, di Angelo.”

“Shut up,” she says, but she gives me a tiny smile.

I nearly pump my arm in victory.

“Sebastian,” she says, sighing as she leans against her car. “I… I appreciate your help. Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it. You sure you’re good?”

“I guess I’ll stop by the housing office. Ask if they have another room I can move to.”

I nod, shading my eyes against the afternoon sun. From this angle, the sunlight acts like a halo, accentuating the lighter shades of her hair. It’s curling at the ends from the water, calling up a memory. Showering together at my place after one of our rare hookups there. Smelling my shampoo in her hair, watching her redo her makeup in the bathroom. I hugged her from behind, and she giggled—actually giggled—as I kissed her neck.

Fuck it.

I can’t have that again, but despite what happened, I’m her friend, and friends help each other. Even if the friend in question is prickly as a cactus and hasn’t spoken to you in over a month.

“If they can’t get you in somewhere else, come and stay with me.”

She blinks. Once. Twice. “No.”

“It’s just me in the house right now. Me and the cat. You could stay in Izzy’s room, there’s a private bathroom.”

She crosses her arms over her chest, giving me a glimpse of her belly button. “I can’t.”

“Can’t or won’t?”

She smirks, masking whatever’s going on inside her brilliant head. “You know that wouldn’t be a good idea.”

“We’re friends.”

She cocks her head to the side. “Are we?”

Enjoy watching me leave, Callahan.

Whatever connection we might have shared, she doesn’t want to explore it anymore. I might hate it, but I can’t force her to be with me, even if I feel the urge to take her into my arms and kiss her like a physical ache.

“See you around,” she says finally. “Good luck on your game tomorrow.”

I watch as she gets into her car and pulls out of the lot. Despite her question—are we, are we, are we—I need to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from smiling. She knows I have a game tomorrow. She’s paying attention, at least on some level.

Are we?

We better fucking be.

Regina texts me, asking where I went.

Then she sends a picture. That orange sundress is nowhere to be seen.

I get in my car instead.
