Page 139 of Stealing Home

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“Sometimes she has trouble expressing the depth of her feelings for me,” he says. He clasps his hand over his heart dramatically. “Her favorite way to ask for sex is to say I look acceptable in whatever I’m wearing.”

I can’t help it; I stomp on his foot. “Sebastian!”

His laughter peals through the air like bells. “Love you, angel.”

I try to step on his toes again, but he’s too quick. “You’re lucky I love you,” I grumble.

“Oh, believe me, I know.” He reaches for my hand. “Come on, let’s eat before it gets cold.”

“Good luck,” Aadhya says. “I hope you have a good flight.”

“Thanks,” I say. “I hope you fight off the zombie horde of under-caffeinated travelers successfully.”

Her laughter follows us as we walk down the long hallway to our gate. Early morning sun streams in through the large windows, lighting a trail for us to follow, step after step.

“I’m proud of you,” he says.

“For what?”

“For everything.” He stops in his tracks, even though we’re nowhere near the gate, and tilts my face up. He looks serious enough my breath catches in my throat. “But right now? For trusting me to go on this journey with you.”

I rise onto my toes and kiss him. He smells of mint and tastes of espresso, and for a moment I let myself lean into it. I love these kisses of ours, unhurried and deep. I keep thinking I’m going to get used to them, but I haven’t yet, and I hope I never do.

Eventually, I step back, and he holds out his hand. “Ready?”

I take it, squeezing our fingers together without reservation. Without fear. Without anything but love coursing through me, connecting us like planets orbiting the same sun.

Our stars align.

I smile—my true smile, the one I only use with a very small list of people that is headlined by him—and know he sees everything he’ll ever need to know in that smile. He’s mine and I’m his, and this adventure is just the beginning of a long, purposeful, passionate future. A future that belongs to us, together, and no one else.

“I’m ready.”
