Page 43 of Stealing Home

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Hopefully won’t be back too late

If you are, I’m going to bed

No extra innings, got it

May 17th

Thank you for lunch

It might be saving my life right now

Even if I want to launch it at Alice’s face


Bad day?

It’s not the work, it’s all the shit around it

She mislabeled some data, so it completely threw my model off

Yet it’s somehow my fault

Anyway, thank you. What even is it? It’s delicious

Chana masala

I’ve made my own naan before, but no time right now

May 20th


You really played softball?

I was a pitcher

I can’t believe you never told me this

I feel like I’m talking to a whole new person


I never said I was good at it

Come on

I was… decent. I had a nice pitch

You have to show me sometime

May 21st


I’ll be back late tonight. Going out with some of the team
