Page 50 of Stealing Home

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Now, he squeezes my fingers as he smirks at me. “Nice to see you too.”

I straighten, tossing my hair over my shoulder. The urge to pull him into another kiss is nearly overwhelming, but I stay rooted in place. “I’m sure you’re starving.”

The look he gives me makes me feel naked, even though I’m in a sweatshirt and leggings. “I could eat.”

I manage what I hope is an appropriately stern expression, even as my stomach does a somersault. I don’t think he showered before coming home, and the thought of tangling with him while I can taste the salt on his skin makes me shiver. “The pasta you made.”

He pretends to think it over. “Nah. I’m starting with dessert.”

He scoops me into his arms and starts up the stairs.

“Sebastian!” I twist in his grip, or try to, at least; he’s too strong. When I pinch him, he just grins.

“Mia,” he repeats, an amused note in his voice. “You can’t greet me looking like this and not expect consequences.”

He sets me on my feet in front of his bedroom door. I gesture down at myself. “You have eyes, right? Should we go get them checked?”

“You’re always beautiful,” he says.

A blush erupts on my face, strong enough I have no choice but to hide it with a kiss. He makes an approving noise, backing me into his room as he nips at my lip. His hands tug at my sweatshirt; I pull it over my head and let it fall to the floor. I shove down my leggings as he sheds his own clothes, chucking them in the hamper's direction. I find my way into his arms once more. Heat sparks low in my belly at the brush of his hands on my hips. When we kiss, it's less frenetic than before, more exploratory.

Still, he pushes me onto his bed. I bounce once, sitting up on my elbows to admire him. I wonder if kissing me makes him feel the same things I do. When he looks at me, does he feel that same rich, unending hunger?

By the dark promise in his eyes, I think he does.

“Lie back, sweetheart.”

I do as I’m told, swallowing hard as I look at the ceiling. I set this in motion the moment I walked out of Izzy’s bedroom. If I was serious about staying away, I would create boundaries.

I need to try better.

Just… not tonight.

He cages me underneath him, kissing me as a hand runs down my side. It settles on my thigh, curling possessively as his thumb rubs at the soft inner skin. I think he says something, but I can’t focus on that, not when he’s suddenly so close to touching my core.

The anticipation of contact makes my toes curl; I can feel my arousal, which kicked up the moment we kissed, deepening.

He swipes his tongue over mine. I dig my nails into his back, bringing my legs up to hug his hips. He presses another bruising kiss to my lips before starting down my neck and chest. He kisses all the way to my breasts, taking a nipple into his mouth while pinching the other. I arch my back, hoping for more contact, but he just mouths down my stomach instead.

“Sebastian,” I can’t help but whine. “Don’t tease.”

“Couldn’t hold back even if I wanted,” he says against my skin. He spreads my legs and settles between them. I’m trembling now, aching for contact. He presses a chaste kiss to the top of my sex. I tug at his hair sharply, and he just huffs out a laugh. Bastard.

“Easy,” he says.

“I’m not a horse.”

He laughs harder, which makes me snort. “I’m serious.”

He looks up at me. “So am I, Mia Angel.”

Damn him. He always knows the right moment to break out that phrase. I dig the heel of my foot into his back for punishment. “I thought you promised no teasing.”

“I did, didn’t I?” he murmurs.

Then he licks a long stripe down my folds.

I let out a strangled noise, my stomach clenching. I feel his laughter rather than hear it, but it feels too good to retaliate. He knows all the right places to turn me into a trembling mess, even as he avoids my clit. I bite down on my tongue, so I won’t do something embarrassing like beg him to suck it. He knows it’s what I need, and even if he said no teasing, he’s teasing at least alittle.
