Page 57 of Stealing Home

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I’ve thought about it ever since that moment, but I’ve never said it aloud.

Most likely, nothing I could’ve done would have changed the outcome.

But I don’tknow, because I didn’t act, and I lost them.

And tonight, in my fucking nightmare, I didn’t act, and I lost my family and Mia, one after the other.

She scoots closer, cupping the back of my head. Her fingers curl in my hair. When her lips press against mine, I feel a tear slip down my cheek. I squeeze my eyelids shut. I hold my breath, trying to stifle the sob that wants to work its way out of my throat.

“Breathe,” she whispers. “We’ll do it together. Hold it and count to five.”

It takes a couple tries, but I manage it. Three seconds. Four seconds. Five seconds, then a breath out.

“You’re not there,” she says. She presses another kiss to my mouth, hard enough that our teeth mash together. The sensation tethers me to her. To reality. “You’re here with me.”

She tugs on my arm until I fall back into bed with her. I end up with my head pillowed on her stomach, feeling the gentle rise and fall of it as she breathes. She runs her fingers through my hair. More quiet, ordinary comfort. It feels like we’re in a little bubble, separate from the rest of the world. It’s warm and safe in here, and memories are just memories, no matter how much they try to snap and bite.

Usually, after a nightmare, I stay awake the rest of the night, but my eyelids are heavy, and at least tonight, I don’t have to face it alone.

Sleep comes again, and this time, it’s deep and dreamless.



June 3rd


They’re discussing the draft on ESPN’s college minute. You’re trending at 10th overall.


That’s higher than before, I wonder why

The Reds owner said publicly that he’s hoping you’ll be on the team eventually.

We spoke to the reporter, too, Zoe Anders. Kept it on you and your potential.

We would love to come up for a game sometime soon.

How are things at the house?

Fine. I’m leaving for a couple games against Albany tomorrow

What about Cooper’s cat? Did you find a sitter?

I have a friend staying with me, she’s going to take care of her


Just a friend. She’s Penny’s friend, actually

The draft is almost here. Keep your eyes on the prize, Sebastian.

June 4th

Is Alice behaving herself today?
