Page 93 of Stealing Home

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“You’re not old enough to drink.”

“You’re so funny sometimes, Coop,” she says sweetly. “Do you want a sip or not?”

“Fine,” he says, snatching the bottle from her. He grimaces as he takes a gulp.

When it comes to me, I take a sip, ignoring the gasoline-like taste. It’s cheap as hell, but whatever. It’ll make cheering more fun, and I intend to get as loud as I can for Seb.

After a couple minutes, I’m starting to feel warm from the booze, and all four of us are talking over each other. I burst out laughing as Izzy needles Cooper into yet another overprotective reaction. She’s so good at it, it should be criminal.

“What’s so funny?” someone calls.

Sebastian is leaning over the railing a few feet from us, glove tucked under his arm as he runs his hand through his hair. My mouth goes dry at the sight of him in his uniform. The deep purple plays nicely against his light hair. The white pants are tight in all the right places, and his arms look especially muscular with the short sleeves of the uniform top. The eye black on his cheeks and the belt at his waist tie everything together perfectly. Even the elbow guard he’s wearing is making me feel some sort of way, which is ridiculous. And yet right now? I don’t give a damn.

I hurry over to him, looping my fingers through the mesh screen separating us. I know it’s for safety, but I wish I could kiss him right now.

“Looking good, gorgeous,” he says. “I’m glad you’re here.”

“I am too.” I glance over my shoulder at Penny and his siblings. They’re hanging back, giving us some space, but Izzy waves excitedly at her brother. Sebastian waves back. “I’m sorry I didn’t come to any of the earlier ones.”

He shrugs. “Just happy to see you now.”

“Callahan!” someone calls.

“Be there in a second!” he answers. He looks back at us. “Enjoy the game, yeah? I’ll come find you after.”

“Good luck.”

He blows me a kiss as he jogs backwards. “Gonna have to keep from staring at you in between pitches, Mia Angel!”

“Ugh,” Izzy says. “That is so cute I’m going to throw up.”

“Please don’t,” Cooper says, alarm in his tone. “I can’t do a repeat of the last time you barfed on me.”

* * *

By the timethe fourth inning rolls around, McKee is leading by two runs. Sebastian hit a double his first at-bat, sending his teammate on third base home for the first run of the game. I didn’t realize he batted cleanup until now. No wonder he’s been so stressed about having trouble at the plate.

It’s fun to see him hit—he does have a nice swing, the way everyone seemingly can’t stop talking about—but the outfield is a whole different game entirely. He’s incredibly fast out there, and accurate with his throws. In the second inning, when a Binghamton player got greedy on a base hit and tried to slide into second, Sebastian’s lightning-quick throw sent him straight back to the dugout.

When the Binghamton pitcher strikes out the McKee player at the plate, ending the inning, I head to the bathroom with Penny. As I’m washing my hands, two girls come in, giggling and falling over each other.

“God,” one of them says as she tries to lock the stall. “He’ssohot, I just want to lick him.”

“I know!” the other says. “Why won’t this fucking—there we go. And he’s a Callahan. Well, kind of. Close enough, right?”

“If I can’t have the dad, I’ll take him.”

Both burst into laughter. Penny raises her eyebrows at me.

“Richard?” she mouths. “Oh my God.”

I stride to one of the stalls and bang my fist on it. I don’t know what I’m more pissed about—them talking about Sebastian as if he’s a sex toy, or insinuating that he’s only partly a member of his own family. “You’re talking about Sebastian while his girlfriend is standing right here. Just so you know.”

“He has a girlfriend?” one of them says.

“Nooo,” says the other. “This is so tragic.”

“Stop talking about my fucking man.” I pause. “And his dad. That’s extra weird.”
