Page 96 of Stealing Home

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“And how is that going?”

“I’m working for a professor this summer,” I snap. “And it’s hopefully going to get me into a top study abroad program. So I’d say pretty well.”

“I can’t even believe you’re the one getting defensive right now.” She laughs shortly. “You do realize that our parents help pay for that private university, right? I know you got a scholarship, but it’s not like they contribute nothing. All so you could go to an accelerated teaching program.”

Shit. I forgot that one of my fake selling points for McKee was the ability to fast-track and get the teaching masters you need for certification all in one program, rather than go to a separate graduate school after undergrad. To be honest, I barely thought about it then, and now, I’ve been too busy dreaming about dissertations and NASA projects and coordinating with engineers to give it a thought.

“Do you even hear yourself? You sound just like Mom. She said enough negative things about law school that you gave up and did exactly what she wanted.”

“This is not about me and my choices.” Her voice is as hard as granite. “This is about me realizing that my sister is an ungrateful liar.”

Tears burn in my eyes, but I’m not going to cry. Not here, and not because of my sister. “Did you tell anyone yet?”

“No. I wanted to hear about it from you first.” She sighs deeply. “But you have to tell them, Mia. Soon. Tell them at the barbecue.”

“Are you insane?”

“You never come home otherwise.” I hear the hurt in her voice, and it makes my heart ache, even as I want to rail against her and how unfair she’s being. “Were you planning on ditching the barbecue, too? Lying about something coming up with your fake job?”

“No,” I say, fighting to keep my voice unaffected. “No, I’ll be there.”

“Tell Mom and Dad the truth. I’ll keep your secret until the barbecue, but only until then. I have to go.”

“Wait, Gi—”

She hangs up before I can finish.



It was really fuckinghard to concentrate on the game when I knew to look for Mia in the stands.

I managed to settle in after a few innings, but it took all of my self-control. It was worth it, because I made a nice defensive play early in the game and went 3-for-4, and most importantly, we won the game and therefore the series, but it was torture, too. A very specific brand of self-inflicted torture, since I’m the one who gave her the jersey to wear. The rush of possessiveness that went through me whenever I even glanced in the direction of the stands should be illegal.

The second Coach Martin releases us, I head into the stands. Most of the guys are going to go straight to the locker room for a shower and change of clothes, but I can’t wait that long to see her. If she’s not in my arms in the next minute, I might lose my mind.

I spot my brother first. He pulls me into a hug, pounding on my back. “Nice game, man. Fantastic from start to finish.”

“Thanks,” I say as I step back, giving him an exhausted grin. “Fucking glad we pulled out another series win.”

Penny and Izzy join us. I give them each a hug, looking around for Mia. “Where’s Mia?”

“Something came up with her sister,” Penny says. “She was talking to her on the phone.”

I frown. “What kind of something?”

“I’m not sure.” She gestures to one of the staircases. “She went that way. Will you go find her? I have a feeling she’ll want to talk to you right now, not me.”

“Yeah, of course.” I take off my cap and stuff it into my back pocket. “We’ll see you at the house later, okay?”

After I say goodbye to them, I head in the direction that Penny pointed out. A couple of people in the departing crowd stop me, wanting to say hello. I sign a baseball for a kid and shake the hand of a guy who claims to have played in the minor leagues with my father before I manage to spot her. She’s tucked away in a little alcove next to a supply closet, arms crossed, worrying her lower lip.

I know the way she looks when she’s trying not to cry, and this is exactly it. Shit. “Mia?”

She looks up at the sound of my voice. “Hey.”

“Penny mentioned that something happened. Are you okay?” I reach out, but she shrugs away.
