Page 21 of Running Wild

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After we raided my snacks and each drank an energy drink, somehow, Hannah ended up in my arms and we made out on the couch like teenagers. Something I haven’t done in ages. Just kiss, really? Fuck, by the time I put a halt to it, I was harder than I can ever remember. I could feel my cock leaking from just holding her in my arms. That’s why I had to stop because if we kept going, didn’t know what would have happened. Would totally suck if I had to take on her three club sisters upstairs since I would never hit a woman.

I loved the little pout she gave me before getting off my lap and saying goodnight, then walking to her bedroom and closing the door. I hear the lock and smile. Yeah, her girls are watching out for her, that’s for sure.

Grabbing clean boxers and a T-shirt, along with my travel bag, I head to the bathroom. Damn, I need to shower and wash this day off of me. Turning the water on, I get down to business. The minute my hand lands on my dick, all bets are off. No way I’m going to sleep with this massive hard-on, so I soap up my hand and in no time at all bring myself to the edge. I have one hand on the tile wall, the other grasping on to my slick dick. Up and down, time and time again. When I feel the tingle in my sack, I twist on the up slide and almost land on my ass. This is going to be a huge one. One, two, and on the third swipe down, long white streams hit the tile wall as my hand pumps faster and faster, while my breath is jagged.

Feeling my exhaustion settling in, I finish washing up and get out of the shower. I brush my teeth, put some deodorant and body spray on, then pull my boxers and T-shirt on. When I make my way back to the couch, Dottie is sitting on the one corner where a pillow and I’m guessing extra blankets sit waiting for me. I stop a few feet away and wait, knowing she’s got something to say.

“Presley, you seem like a cool dude so don’t take this wrong. Hannah has had a fucked-up life, and now that she’s with the Devil’s Handmaidens MC and her family, it’s everyone’s goal to make sure the rest of her life is as good as possible. So if you’re looking for a quick release, go look elsewhere. Guys who look like you are probably used to women dropping their panties on a dime. She’s not one of them. So go ahead, get some sleep, and make sure your head—well, both of your heads—are in the right place. Night!”

Before I can even get a word out, she’s gone. Well, damn, though I envy Hannah for having people who care enough to put it out there. Grabbing the sheet, I cover the bed that obviously Dottie pulled out, then throw the pillow on one end and shake the blanket out. Turning, I walk to the air conditioner and turn it down, then plop on the mattress and try to get comfortable on a small bed. Though got to say, it’s a hundred times better than my fucking car.

I remember when I was thinking about making the drive to hook up with Karma and prospect with his club. He has nothing but good shit to say about that club of his and his brothers. Just listening to him made me want to try. Nothing was holding me where I was. Shit, never had anything or anyone there to take my side. Maybe if I can do this prospecting shit, then I’ll finally have a family of my own. That is my last thought before I drift off to sleep.

* * *

Hearing pounding come from the front of the cabin, I shoot off the couch, grabbing my jeans and the T-shirt I took off during the night. I literally run through the room toward the front door. I collide straight into Itty Bitty.

“Holy shit, Presley, who’s here? Did you check yet? Come on, who is it? Shit, if it’s my family, you might want to hide like under a bed or something. They might kill you before asking any questions.”

Her rambling has me stop short while she keeps jabbering. To shut her up, I pull her close. Her eyes open wide as her beautiful lips form an ‘O,’ which gives me my opportunity, and I’m one who never lets a moment pass me by. I take her lips, my tongue going in and tasting her unique flavor. I feel her instantly relax and lean into me.

“Um, not to disturb your asses but we got trouble, Hannah. We looked from the upstairs window. We got Grimm Wolves and Devil’s Handmaidens all out front. Couldn’t see who’s pounding on that front door, but my guesses are either Tink or Shadow.”

Before I can, Hannah pulls away, wiping at her mouth, lips still slightly opened. I turn to see all three of her club sisters standing there. Dottie with a smirk, Dani with sparkling eyes, and Kitty just guarded.

“So how are we gonna play this? And what do you want to do with him? Come on, Hannah, think.”

She shakes her head, so I do what none of them seem to want to do. I walk to the door and open it. What my eyes fall on has me almost falling back on my ass. In the doorway, right in front, is a chick with a skull tattoo on her entire face and a Native American guy watching closely. Off to one side is a woman, who could pass for Hannah’s sister, and behind her a huge guy also keeping his eyes on the situation.

“Who the motherfuck are you, and where is Squirt? Come on, player, move your fine ass, she better be all right! Hannah, baby girl, come to Auntie Zoey. Dani, Dottie, and Kitty, sisters, you all breathing?”

Not meaning to but I let out a short laugh and crazy turns like she’s ready to put me six feet under. The guy with the long black hair grabs her, pulling her against his front. She actually growls at the same time I hear the women finally making their way to the door.

“Hey, Auntie Zoey and Maggie. Didn’t know you guys actually planned on coming to this book signing.”

Knowing Hannah is struggling, I turn and grab her hand, squeezing. When I hear the growl, I turn but it’s not crazy, it’s a huge older man with a kutte on that said Prez. Oh fuck, I’m thinking I’m in some serious trouble this time by the look on everyone’s faces. That shit seems to follow me around, no matter what.

Right then I’m ready to either shit my pants or push my way through and run to my car and take off to wherever the road takes me, and forget about Karma and the Grimm Wolves MC. As I’m trying to figure which one gives me a better chance, Hannah squeezes my hand back and leans into me. With that, my ass is staying right here to make sure Itty Bitty doesn’t get her ass in a sling.




Damn, my head is killing me. Both Auntie Zoey and Maggie have been yelling and arguing for the last forty-five minutes and twenty-two seconds. I’ve totally shut their voices out of my head. But when it’s quiet for a few seconds, my head jerks up to see everyone watching me. Well, now, what did I miss with my thoughts in the clouds as usual? That’s how I got us in this mess, with my head all messed up and in the la-la land with all these books I’ve read over and over. The thought of walking up to an author and talking to them, and then they share a part of themselves with me while signing books that will be up for sale is actually a crazy-ass thought. Even more insane is that the paperbacks would be personalized to me. I would have them forever and ever. Earth to Hannah.

“What? I must have missed something, why are you all staring at me like I have two heads or four eyes?”

Presley smirks as I hear my cohorts giggling. Besides the four of them, no one else finds my comment funny. Well, maybe Noodles, that or he’s holding in some massive gas. And Panther is looking everywhere but at me. Maybe those two also got it.

“Hannah, my question to you was do you think you deserve to go to this book signing today after all the trouble you caused and the shitshow you created?”

Looking at Maggie, I see it on her face. She’s torn because as my prez she needs to be badass and make me pay for being disrespectful to her and the club. As my family and knowing my past, she wants me to have anything I want within reason. For the first time since I became a prospect, I realize the sensitive situation I put her in. She can’t show favoritism to the prospects, especially toward me, which for me sucks. I didn’t think this whole thing through. Auntie Zoey tried to warn me, but did I listen? Hell to the no, because I know it all. Time to pull up my big girl thong and take some responsibility for my actions. And the punishment that goes with it.

“Prez, probably not. But I’m going to beg for leniency not only for me, but for Kitty, Dottie, and Dani. I kind of strong-armed them and wasn’t totally truthful. They didn’t know you had already told me absolutely NO way in hell was I traipsing across the country at this time to go to a book signing. And before anyone says it, I deserve to be punished. Back in Timber-Ghost, back at home. Please don’t make us miss this after all we went through to get here. Okay, I’ll admit it, I did wrong and should have never made any of you worry about us. Could have called to let you know we were okay like Dani did. I’m responsible for Dottie getting hurt. Fuck, I’ll take all the blame once we get back home to Montana. Please, pretty please let me, I mean us, go to the signing. Come on, Prez, weren’t you young once?”

I hear snickers coming from just about every male in the room, Noodles the loudest. Maggie looks at him for a second and when she turns back, her elbow hits him right in the stomach and he oofs. And he’s still grinning. Pops approaches Maggie and Auntie Zoey and the three of them put their heads together. I turn when I feel someone behind me. Well, when I turn it’s three someones. Kitty, Dottie, and Dani surround me, so we are a united front. We wait for our sentencing. I cross my fingers at my sides and send up a little prayer for help. Pops is the first one to speak.

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