Page 181 of Royal Rebel

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Zilas chuckled, safe behind Kashif. “It’s true. I have a friend holding the girl’s neck right now. Such a pity she’s missing the ball. Her pink dress is so pretty.”

Serai Hassan sobbed. “Please let her go.”

The Rose met Bennick’s glare with a smirk, ignoring the distraught mother on the settee. “You knew I wasn’t gone forever. You said it yourself—our fates are intertwined. You knew I would come back.”

“You made that clear before you betrayed us in Krid,” Bennick gritted out.

“It was more of an abandonment than a betrayal,” his brother reasoned. “I’m glad you and Clare survived, though.”

A deep rage rose to the surface, causing Bennick’s hand to shake. “I lost her that night because of you.”

Zilas’s smile tipped higher. “You’ll lose her tonight because of me, too. But this time will be much more permanent.”

“You’re not leaving this room alive,” Bennick growled.

“Oh, I like my chances.” Zilas flipped the dagger in his hand. “Have you been looking over your shoulder for me, all this time? Searching the shadows? I certainly hope so. I’ve thrilled at the thought.”

Bennick’s ears roared as his pulse pounded. “You’re not touching her.”

“We’ll have to disagree on that score, little brother.” Zilas shifted, and the light from the lamp lit only half his face, casting the rest in shadow. “I considered killing her in front of you. Making you watch as I take her life. There’s something delicious in the thought of you being in the room—right there—while she dies. So close, but unable to save her. But then I imagined killing her when she’s alone. How you won’t even be there when she takes her last breath. You won’t see the light leave her eyes. The knowledge that—up until the moment she stills in death—she’ll think you’re coming to save her. The idea of you finding her body . . .” He closed his eyes briefly, a grin stretching his lips. “Fates, it feels good.”

The twisted evil that stood before him made Bennick’s stomach churn. “You don’t need to do this.”

“I really do, though. If I take away the thing you love most, I destroy you—and that will destroy our father.” Zilas’s eyes gleamed. “Especially when his precious son rages against him for bringing this—me—upon him. Remember, this is all his fault. I am what he made me, and Clare would still breathe if not for him.”

“I hate him too,” Bennick said. “But what you’re doing is worse than anything he’s done.”

Anger flashed over the assassin’s face. “No. That man deserves his own hell, and I’m happy to create it for him.” He nodded to Bennick’s sword. “Drop it.”

He only clenched his hold.

Zilas glanced at Serai Hassan. “Take his sword, or your daughter dies.”

The woman swallowed a sob. Bennick didn’t turn to watch her stand, but suddenly she was beside him. “Please,” she begged, her tears falling faster now. She reached for his sword, and he retreated, lifting the blade threateningly.

His heart thundered. He didn’t want to attack a defenseless woman, but he refused to surrender his weapon. He just wasn’t sure how to get them all out of this alive.

Zilas sighed. “Cooperate, Bennick. Or do you want that girl’s death on your hands?”

Serai Hassan covered her mouth with her hands, her shoulders shaking.

“Where is Sidrah?” Bennick demanded.

“I’m afraid I have little patience for questions tonight.” Zilas grabbed Ser Hassan and laid the knife over his exposed throat.

Kashif closed his eyes, a cringe twisting his face.

Serai Hassan wailed.

The Rose smiled thinly at Bennick. “Perhaps we should make Sidrah fatherless. Fathers are only disappointing, so why not do her the favor?”

Gritting his teeth, Bennick dropped his sword, kicking it when ordered. “You won’t get close to her,” he told Zilas. “She’s too well guarded.”

“By Venn and a handful of guards?” Zilas scoffed. “Honestly, the only bodyguard that ever gave me pause was Wilford Lines; I stabbed that bear so deep he should be a corpse, but somehow he lived. That’s unnerving. But he’s gone—protecting Serene, perhaps? Speaking of the real princess, I haven’t forgotten her. Will you tell me where you’ve hidden her, or will I need to hunt her down? I do have a reputation to uphold, and Ididpromise to kill her.” He glanced at Serai Hassan. “Maybe you can host the real princess sometime, and not just her decoy.”

Bennick shot a look at Serai Hassan, but she didn’t look confused—just terrified.

Zilas’s eyes widened mockingly. “Oh, I’m sorry, Bennick. I know you’ve been protective of that little secret. But I wanted to explain things to the Hassans.” He patted Kashif’s shoulder, and the man flinched. “I’ve reassured them that their actions aren’t reallytreasonous, since they’re only helping me kill the princess’s decoy.”
