Page 186 of Royal Rebel

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It didn’t matter how many times she screamed his name.

His eyes never opened.

Chapter 43


Themusicswelledandthen died. As the final note faded, Clare curtsied, answering the deep bow of her latest dance partner.

Clare glanced toward Venn, who stood on the edge of the dance floor. She’d glimpsed Bennick slipping away with Kashif Hassan nearly half an hour ago. Anxiety fluttered in her stomach. Where was he?

Venn stepped forward, and in his slight frown she read an echo of her own nervousness. “I’ve sent someone to track down Bennick and Ser Hassan,” he said, his voice pitched low so no one around them would hear.

Clare nodded, grateful for the update.

“The musicians are taking a short break," Venn continued. "I think it would be fine if you did, too. I’ll feel better having you in the suite under guard until Bennick gets word to us of what’s going on.” He gave her a gentle smile that didn’t quite warm his eyes. “I’m sure nothing’s wrong, I just want to be cautious.”

Clare didn’t protest. She took his arm and they walked to the nearest door. She nodded and smiled to those who greeted her as she passed, but no one questioned where she was going. With the lull in dancing, many were stepping out onto the terrace for fresh air or converging on the food-laden tables.

Once in the hall, Clare pursed her lips. “Ser Hassan looked upset.”

“He did,” Venn said. “But if it was a true security risk, I’m sure we would have heard something by now.”

That was true. If she was in danger, Bennick would have returned immediately. The fact that he hadn’t should put her at ease.

It didn’t.

She sighed as they started up the staircase to the second floor. Her feet ached from dancing, and she was looking forward to putting them up, if only for a few moments. “Ser Hassan may have been stressed because of the large crowd,” she speculated. “Ilah said he doesn’t care for socializing.”

“That could have been it.”

She lightly elbowed Venn’s side. “Or maybe you’re just looking for an excuse to return early to Vera.”

He laughed. “Can you blame me?”

“No. She’s incredible.”

“She is. I can’t wait for my family to meet her. My sisters will adore her.”

Clare smiled. “You have two sisters, don’t you?”

“Yes, one older, one younger. They’re both married to good men, and I have three beautiful nieces.”

“You must miss them.”

“I do. But I spent a lot of time away training to be a soldier, like my father, so they’re used to it.”

“I didn’t know your father was a soldier.” She hadn’t heard Venn talk about his father at all, actually.

“He was. I don’t have any solid memories of him, though. He died when I was two years old.”

Her heart squeezed. “I’m sorry, Venn.”

“Thank you.” He smiled faintly. “I’m just grateful my mother didn’t return to her family in Zennor when he died. If she had, I never would have met Bennick—or Vera, or you, or the other bodyguards.”

They had reached the guest wing. The Mortisian guard on duty bowed as they walked past, entering the private hall that led to her suite. “I would love to meet your family one day,” Clare said.
