Page 218 of Royal Rebel

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Without another word, he left.

An unwanted tear slipped down Imara’s cheek and splashed silently in her trembling lap. Her hand shook as she used the back of her wrist to scrub the blood off her jaw.

But even after her skin was rubbed clean, it still felt soiled. Her body didn’t feel like her own, and that was the worst feeling of all.

Her future had been set for some time now. But tomorrow, at dawn, it would become permanent in a way she could no longer ignore.

Tomorrow, Eilan Skyer would be written on her skin. She would wear his mark and belong to him—forever.

There was no escape. Nowhere to run. No one to save her.

Nothing she could do to save herself.

Her chest cracked with a repressed scream, and another tear fell.

Chapter 51


“Ittrulyisaprivilege to escort you home,” Zadir said to Mia as he led the way up the gangplank. Mia was behind him, and Grayson followed after her. He already felt a little lightheaded as the plank swayed beneath him, and his stomach churned. That didn’t bode well, since they weren’t even on the ship yet.

Zadir stepped onto the deck before turning to help Mia onboard. She paled as she darted a look around the ship.

Grayson suddenly wanted to curse. He was a fates-blasted idiot. How had he not considered what this would be like for her? To step foot on a ship again? Fates, she must be terrified. She’d probably been frightened from the moment he’d mentioned theSeafire, but she’d never said a word. If he’d known . . . But what could he have done differently? Zadir’s ship was their best way out of Ryden.

He just hated that he hadn’t even thought of her now-obvious fear.

Zadir still held her arm, as if assuring himself she was steady before he released her. “I do hope you’ll pardon me while I get us underway, my seraijah.”

“Of course.” Mia glanced at Grayson, as if uncertain why Zadir would keep addressing her so deferentially.

She would have to get used to it. This was Zadir—a pirate—and evenhewas delighted to be in the presence of his long-lost princess. Grayson could only imagine what everyone in Mortise would think. What everyone in Eyrinthia would think.

It was a sudden and brutal reminder that Grayson’s days with her were numbered. That her life was about to change forever—and so was his.

The other pirates slid around them, hurrying to their assigned positions so they could set sail immediately.

Zadir paused before walking away. “I forgot to mention, but were you by any chance missing an Alun and Rena Fletcher?”

Mia’s breath caught. “They’re here?”

“They arrived over a week ago,” Zadir confirmed. “They kept insisting you’d come. I’m glad I listened.”

Despite the paleness of her complexion, Mia smiled. “Thank the fates they made it.”

“I gave them my first mate’s cabin,” Zadir said. “You, my seraijah, will of course have mine.”

The ship pitched suddenly, and Grayson’s stomach lurched dangerously in response. His mouth went dry, then suddenly watered.

“Excuse me,” he bit out. He darted for the side of the ship and heaved.

Zadir’s laughter boomed behind him. “We don’t call him Spewer for nothing!”

TheSeafirecut through the dark, foggy sea, taking them farther from Ryden with each passing moment.

Grayson had heaved up everything his stomach could offer, and though he urged Mia to leave him more than once, she’d remained beside him. He stayed draped over the railing even after he was done retching, his arms braced against the smooth wood.

Mia kept rubbing his back, his arm. “Do these pirates have a physician?” she asked him, worry tightening her voice.
