Page 57 of Royal Rebel

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Clare burst into the princess’s sitting room. Vera was nowhere in sight, but she immediately spotted Venn. His long black hair was secured at the back of his head in a messy knot, and his clothes were dusty and wrinkled. When he twisted around and saw her, his brown eyes sparkled and the corner of his lips tipped into a grin.

She was in his arms before she even realized she’d thrown herself at him.

Venn crushed her to his chest, laughing. “Fates, I think it’s safe to say you missed me.”

Clare buried her face in his chest, her throat so tight she could barely get any words out. “I’ve been so worried about you.”

He snorted. “Iwas fates-blasted worried aboutyou. You’re the one who was abducted!”

“And you vanished.”

Venn surprised her by pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “Vera and I took a little detour, that’s all.”


Venn’s arms loosened, and Clare twisted to see Vera standing in the doorway of Serene’s bedroom with a tearful Bridget. Clare had never seen Serene’s head maid look so emotional, but she touched Vera’s arm almost with reverence, as if she were afraid Vera might disappear again.

Clare understood. She felt the same as she stared at her friend. Vera looked as travel-worn as Venn, her light blonde hair falling loosely around her shoulders, but she was here.She wasalive.

The last time Clare had seen Vera, she’d been running into the Mortisian night after Clare had helped her escape the mercenaries who had abducted them. Salim had snapped Clare’s fingers in retribution, and in the end it hadn’t felt worth the sacrifice. She thought Vera had been hunted down and killed.

But she’d escaped. She’d found Venn. And now, she was standing right in front of her.

Tears stung Clare’s eyes, and Vera’s own shined as the two women rushed to embrace. A sob caught in Clare’s throat, and Vera burst into tears as she clutched her tightly.

Fates, the two of them had been through so much together. They’d walked through hell together after Salim had abducted them, and they were finally together again.

Something deep inside Clare settled as she held her friend, and eventually her tears slowed. “Fates. I’m so glad you’re all right,” she breathed.

“I’m so sorry I left you,” Vera managed through her tears. “I’m sorry Salim hurt you. I—”

“It’s all right. I’m just so glad you’re here—that you’re alive.” Clare tugged back so she could meet the younger girl’s gaze. “Where have you been?”

Vera released a strangled sort of laugh, tears still slipping down her cheeks even though she was smiling. “It’s a long story.”

Across the room, Venn and Bennick embraced, clapping each other on the back. When Bennick withdrew, Wilf stepped forward.

Wilf wasn’t a particularly affectionate man, and Venn in particular usually irritated him, so Clare was surprised when Wilf grasped Venn’s hand and hauled him in for an embrace. “Glad you’re all right,” he grunted.

Venn’s shoulders loosened. “Thank you, Wilf. It’s good to see you.”

Wilf released him and turned to Vera. He was infinitely more gentle when he took her hand, and he didn’t pull her any closer. “I’m relieved that idiot managed to keep you in one piece.”

Vera smiled a little, though Venn made a scoffing sound. Clare felt another jolt of surprise when Vera wrapped her arms around Wilf—a man who had once intimidated her. “It’s good to see you, Wilf.”

Bennick stepped to Clare’s side. “I think it’s time we heard what happened to you both,” he said.

“We should find Serene, then,” Venn said. “It will be easier to tell this just once.”

“She and Cardon went to visit Serai Yahri,” Wilf said. “Serene wanted to know how she could best help after everything that’s happened.”

A furrow grew between Venn’s dark brows. “From what Vera and I have heard, things have been continuing in the usual fashion for you all. Attacks, would-be assassins, rebels, and the like.”

Bennick made a sound in his throat. “Unfortunately, yes. And there’s probably more you haven’t heard.”

“Fates.” Venn’s expression turned grim. “I’m afraid our tale isn’t going to improve things.”

Wilf shifted back a step. “I’ll get Serene and Cardon. In the meantime, Bennick and Clare can tell you everything that’s been happening here.”
