Page 38 of Frost Wolf

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“Good one, brother.”

“I won’t leave. I’ll stay until she gets to work in the morning.”

“I’ll stay with you.”

Torin leaned against the wall. We stood in silence, smoking and watching Yana’s house. There is a certain comfort one feels knowing your pack has your back. I understand his presence. I would do the same for him.

When a wolf is about to mate, all our senses are focused on the object of our passion and desire. Sometimes it’s difficult to focus on anything else.

Time passed, and I watched her fall asleep on the couch as she often did.

Before the sun rose, Torin shifted into the white wolf he was and patrolled the area. The one Demon that escaped us worried me. No matter how much I tried, it was a nagging feeling I could not shake. Like an itch on the back of my neck I could not scratch, no matter how much I wanted to reach it.

Torin brought up memories and a few things I was not proud of. My determination to leave my mate alone would break every few years, and I would take a ride down to Chicago to see Yana. One time I entered the hospital and stood there, watching her for hours and hours. I walked to her and, just when my eyes met hers, I knew I’d be unable to leave her if I talked to her.

Torin knew. He was the one who pushed me to tell her, to offer her the choice.

As I dreamed of her with open eyes, l felt the phone vibrating in my pocket.

Why did you respect my Granny’s wishes? Why didn’t you tell me?

That’s a difficult question.

Why, Soren? Why didn’t you tell me?

I tried to protect you.

I’m so sick of guys making choices in my place. Just for once, I want to be allowed to make my decision.


I took the phone and hit call. She let it ring three times before she picked it up.

“Yana, I need to look at you when I tell you those things.”

“I have to go to work.”

“I could come over, and we could have coffee.”

“Later, I need to get to work.”

I clicked on the phone and walked up to her door. My nose still sensed her scent on my skin, and my mind was drunk from her. Being drunk on your mate’s scent was the stuff of legend. For me, it was now a reality. My mate was here, in my reach. I was just a few feet away from the one who made me want to howl toward to moon and ask all the tribes to celebrate my joy with me.

I could barely lift my arm and knock at her door. I will need to replace this flimsy thing. This was not safe for my mate. Not with the darkness I brought upon her.

Not with the danger I put her in.

The first knock made me almost run away. Never in my life was I afraid of anything, ever. Now I was afraid of everything that could hurt my mate. She’s human. She’s soft. She’s vulnerable. And I can’t always be there to protect her.




He stood there like a damn god in front of my door. His long hair was pushed back, and his strong jar was covered with stubble. He had that intense look in his green eyes.

“Yana, I was here.”
