Page 47 of Elemental Evolved

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“Holy shit,” Kai breathed from somewhere.

I let out a roar of grief. These four little parts of my soul had just given everything they had and more to unite the four realms, and I wasn’t okay with losing them because of that.

“Light!” I called, hoping the primal dragon could hear me from wherever it was. “Help them! Please!” I knew my voice was just a roar to the guys, but I had to believe Light could understand me. Otherwise, I was going to lose my mind.

They were mine. They were special. After everything we’d been through together, all they’d done for me and for the realms, I wasn’t just going to let them go without giving everything I could to save them.

A coughing sound started, and I realized that I was crying while in my dragon form, which just sounded like I was retching. “Please, Light, please, don’t let them die,” I begged.

Finally, I felt Light’s bright presence brush against my mind.They did what they had to do to unite the realms. They are proud of what they’ve accomplished.

“I don’t want them to go! They had their whole lives ahead of them!” A thought occurred to me. “I know what I want my wish to be…”

“Child, we cannot bring the dead back to life,” Light said gently.

“Bullshit! You kept me out of my body for hours, and I survived. My brain should have shriveled or whatever from lack of oxygen; my muscles, my whole body, everything should have withered from lack of blood supply! You did that because you chose to, so don’t tell me that you can’t bring them back when they just gave everything for the realms, for your people!”

Light was still there, but remained silent for a long time, long enough that I couldn’t keep my mouth shut.

“Fix this, or I take back my decision,” I growled. It was truly a growl, with me still in my dragon form.



The longer Light delayed helping the more frustrated I became. Finally, just before I was about to do something reckless like knock the statue over and smash the stones, not that I thought it would really change anything now, Light's presence grew stronger.

We will bring them back, but you must understand that after this, they are your responsibility.

"They were anyway. That doesn't change anything. I thought we would always be together." The last bit was quiet, my sorrow escaping a little more as hope burned it away. They were going to come back. Light would fix it.

I shifted back into my human form, aware that I'd ruined my clothes and would now be naked. Which wasn't ideal.

The wind was howling through the temple's opening, and I immediately felt the chill of it on my exposed skin as I dropped to my knees and watched, waiting for my hatchlings to come back to life. A shirt was wrapped around me a moment later, and lightning cracked through the sky, illuminating Kai from behind.

"Thanks," I said over my shoulder before slipping the fabric on.

"Dres let us know what was going on the whole time," Kai murmured. "I hope you don't mind. We were just scared after what happened last time, and you were so upset." His words were like a blanket being wrapped around me. At least now I understood why they'd just stood back and let me rage.

When one of the hatchlings twitched, Kai backed off, letting me handle it, which I appreciated. All four of them slowly returned to me, like they were waking up from a long nap. The Atlantean and Hyperborean dragons stretched their gangly legs with a yawn, while the dragon from El Dorado and the one from Agartha just stared at me, looking confused.

"We need to figure out how to communicate because I need you to know that you can't do anything like that again. No dying, okay?" I said softly.

Chirps and trills came from them as they got up and shook off. They leaped into the air, twirling and swooping until, one by one, they came and found their home within me once more. I took a deep breath as I felt the four of them settle in my soul, and the pain radiating through me after they died faded.

"Well, that was unexpected," Dres said eventually as I turned to face them. "Also, that shirt isn't going to cut it." He immediately stripped his own off and handed it to me.

It was big enough to shimmy it over my head and down to my waist, wearing it like a skirt. "I'm going to be a fashion icon. I just know it," I said, trying to lighten the mood.

"We may as well head back to the palace," Griff said as he wrapped an arm around me before dropping a kiss on my head. All of them kept touching me in small ways. A hand on my back, their fingers brushing against my own, all of it reassuring and grounding.

"But the bridges between the rings will be up, won't they?" I remembered Finn telling us that when we'd been in Atlantis the first time.

"The queen stopped by while you were chatting with the primal dragons and gave them permission to use their magic to get to the palace if we needed to," Finn explained.

"Based on the weather, I'd say it's safe to assume that we need to. If we stay out here, we'll end up hypothermic," Niall chimed in.

I didn't know if I could make it back to the castle unless I shifted to my dragon form, which I somehow doubted would go over well. "Can someone carry me again?"

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