Page 38 of Vampire's Bite

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I slammed the door and walked back to the bed, rejoining Cordelia.

“What was that all about?” she asked, eyeing the scroll.

"Someone has been following Ash, or at least listening in on our conversations. There's no other way that the council or the king, for that matter, would know what's going on." I tossed the scroll onto the bedside table.

"Did I hear correctly that I'm supposed to join you inside the vampire kingdom?" Her eyes were wide, and I sensed her apprehension over the entire situation. Even if I couldn’t have sensed it, I would’ve seen the trembling lower lip, the flutter of her lashes.

As a freshly turned vampire, Cordie wasn't in any shape to travel to court and deal with the politics and nuances that exist there. She would need to feed too often, be too unpredictable, too vibrant for a trip and stay like this one. And yet, I didn’t have a choice but to bring her in front of them. "As much as I want to decline their request, we have no choice but to attend on the requested date."

Cordelia opened her mouth, no doubt to ask more questions about what the king might want with her. But before she could speak, Ash and Cross walked into the bedroom covered in blood.

"What the hell?" I stood and made my way to their side. They looked like they’d taken part in a weaponless world war.

"We were attacked by hunters," Cross explained and shrugged like it was no big deal.

"But we took care of them," Ash added, glancing at Cross with a nod and a half-smile before he turned back to me.

"Milo won't bother you anymore, Cordelia." Cross walked over to her and laid a hand on her arm. He was certainly quick to touch her. And I was fine until his thumb stroked back and forth across her skin. Then, my blood started to slowly boil.

I looked down at Cordelia who was now even paler and her tremble had transformed in a full-on shake. "What about Jonathon and Massimo?" she asked.

Cross and Ash exchanged worried glances. "We couldn't locate Massimo." Cross said. "He's gone dark, and Jonathon got away while we were busy killing off his cronies. But don't worry. We'll find them."

I didn't like the sound of the two of them running around free. Based on Massimo and Jonathon's previous actions, I knew they wouldn't rest until Cordelia was dead.

"What do we have here?" Ash grabbed the scroll from the bedside table. "Holy shit, Rook. Is this what I think it is?"

I sighed. It was what he thought it was and he damned well knew it. He’d seen a court scroll before. "We've been summoned. Both Cordelia and me."

"Fuck me." Cross ran his hands through his hair, not hiding his alarm.

Cordelia looked at me, worry written all over her face. And there was nothing I could do. Whatever she was imagining of the court, the reality of them was probably five or ten times worse. “What for?”

I sighed. "It's a vow that we vampires take very seriously. It's a way to bind us together, making our connection even stronger."

"But why would I need to do that? Aren't we already bonded?" she asked.

Cross and Ash looked at each other, shocked that I had suggested it.

"The bond that's between us right now, could theoretically be broken, at least if you weren't my Blood Heart. The blood vow between two vampires shows that we are completely loyal to one another and magically binds us to one another," I explained. I chose not to tell her that blood vows were seen as an informal marriage bond between vampires, swearing to myself that I'd tell her when the time was right. For now, I just needed to get the vow in place to protect Cordelia. Once she had that shield she'd be untouchable and finally be safe.

Confusion knitted her brow but she nodded. "Alright. I'll agree to it." Cordelia reached for my hand, entwining her fingers with mine.

Cross opened his mouth to speak, but I quickly silenced him with a glare. This had to happen and there was no other way. She would come around eventually. After I told her.

I would explain everythinglater,once we were safe. I just had to hope that she'd forgive me once I told her the truth.
