Page 74 of After the Storms

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I bring my hands to Dean’s grip, which chokes me, pulling me up on my toes. Sam’s screaming and flailing behind us, fighting with everything he can. “You killed a dozen of my men on that island and my second in command. And you speak to me like we’re friends, as if it’s all in the past.”

He pushes me back by my neck, and my knees buckle until I’ve fallen backward in the dirt. I scramble back up to face him.

“You killed my sister!” I scream at him, and he laughs, waving at the men that hold back Sam.

“She killed herself. I did what I had to do to survive, so you and the boys would survive. And you fucked everything up.”

“You only wanted someone to see the future,” I rage. “You don’t care about us. You don’t love us.”

“You’re mine, Rowan!” He screams it in my face, his voice raging over the rain. His eyes bulge from his sockets, and I think veins might burst from his neck. “You have always been mine. We are supposed to be together. That was the plan. I have always dedicated myself to you, Row, and that’s far better than love.”

“You’re dedicated to yourself — your cause,” I bite back, stepping toward him with my chin high.

“What’s sad is you think that’s an insult,” Dean smiles. Thunder claps behind him, followed by another jolt of lightning. It blinds everything around us until I only see his shadow, the perfect replica of the man following me into the underground a month ago.

It’s coming to pass, and I need to stop it, but I never saw how.

“Just be happy you’ll survive, for as long as I need you, that is.” Dean turns to the men, and they bring Sam forward, his face dripping blood from the punches they’ve thrown.


“Rowan, go,” he pleads, and without realizing it, I’m already backing away. I’m the only chance we have left to buy us some time, and I turn to run, hoping Dean follows.

“Where you gonna go?” Dean yells.

I don’t go to the entrance of the underground, where I saw the figure chasing me, fighting to take me away.

Sam screams behind us, but I ignore him, every step taking me closer to the cliffs.

“You’re bluffing,” Dean calls out. He’s close, following behind me, and even in the wind and rain, I sense the doubt in his voice. He doesn’t know what I’ll do.

Another crack of thunder slams into my chest, startling me, and I slow down for a moment. It’s just a second, but long enough for Dean to be at my heels along with the men dragging Sam with them.

I run faster, fully prepared to leap from the cliff.

Another boom shakes the earth, but this one is different. It’s an earthquake, shaking the land beneath our feet and sending me to the ground, rolling in the wet mud. The shake continues for seconds, and I struggle to stand, watching the confused faces of the men holding Sam. I’m at the edge of the cliff, and if I didn’t catch my footing in time, I would have fallen over the edge.

They’ve started.

“What the fuck?” one man says. Sam still fights them, and they hit him again in the stomach and cheek.

Hundreds of men stand in the distance at the ready for Dean’s orders, but I see their careful lines disrupted. A few of them scatter off, daring to leave. They aren’t by the entrance but seem to be sunken in the earth, only half of their bodies visible from where I am.

The cave in.

The disruption doesn’t stop Dean, who’s on me in a second, holding me against the dirt. “Come over here, one of you,” he screeches at one man. “You! Hold her up. I want her to see this.”

The muscle Dean brought is nearly twice my size, and he hoists me up, wrapping a thick arm around my shoulders, keeping my back to his chest. The others drag Sam over, his bloody face coming into focus.

Dean stands, running his hands through his wet hair, slicking it back and he looks at Sam. “My friend, our time together is over.”

Panic rises in my throat with what I’ve seen, with what I fear I can’t change. We’re at the cliff, and he has us. Hundreds of men are only a few minutes sprint away, and the men here along with Dean have overpowered Sam and me in no time.

“Dean, I won’t help you!” I scream at him. “I’ll never help you!”

“Yes, you will,” he scoffs. “Because you’re right. I don’t care about those fucking kids, and I’ll find them and kill one if you don’t cooperate. Just one will do the trick, I think.”

His words send Sam into a rage, but the two men beat him more, and he can’t break free.

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