Page 26 of Vicious Bargain

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Finally, he pulls his dick from my mouth, leaving behind sticky drool strings of cum.

He puts his cock away and turns from me, going back to the table.

Annoyed, I say, “Is that all?”

He snickers. “As I said, you’ve been a bad girl, and bad girls don’t get their pussies licked.”

My jaw gapes.

He gathers the maps and a pack he has by the bed.

“I’m going to meet with Russ and his men. You’re not to move. You’re not to lie down. You’re not to calm the raging torment between your legs. Do you understand?”

I nod. “Yes.”

Before he leaves, he takes one last look over his shoulder. “I’m going to find that base of yours. The only question is, how much I’m going to have to punish you.”



We meet in what was once Selina’s kitchen, which admittedly throws me off. It still has that homey feel to it, which makes me nostalgic.

“What do you think?” Carolyn asks, hopping up and down in anticipation.

I take in the colorful lights and decor. “I see you put an angel at the top.”

“It’s so much better than a star. Don’t you agree?”

I pull her into my arms. “I certainly do.”

Our kiss lasts half a second because Henry’s siren scream alerts us to his ire.

“Welcome home,” Carolyn whispers once I have him soothed.

“There’s no place I’d rather be.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me!” Christine’s voice pulls me from my faraway memory.

“It’s the best we could do,” Irma, Russ’s lady, says.

They’re standing over a man with a badly mangled hand. The look on his face is peaked, and I wonder if he’ll faint.

Christine bends to inspect it. “Well, you might as well have just cut it off.”

The man’s eyes widen. “Please—”

“I’ll see what I can do,” she says, rummaging furiously through her bag.

“It’s nice seeing you again,” I tell Irma.

“Same.” She forces a smile to her face that lets me know she doesn’t like me being here. She met Russ shortly before he took over the farm, and she’s protective of her brood.

And I can’t say I blame her for being so untrusting. The world is shit and there are no heroes left. Just broken men and women that can’t get along.

There are two more Legion in the room, and all of my folk, bringing the total number of people in the small kitchen to ten.

Russ goes around, closing all the doors and windows.

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