Page 35 of Vicious Bargain

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He’s caught off guard, but his lips move slowly against mine, growing bolder until he realizes his folly.

He grabs me by the shoulders and pulls me away, his eyes glaring angrily at me.

“What game are you playing, girl?”




Amber stares back at me with a heartbroken expression, which makes me ache to the marrow of my bones.

“I…I wanna pretend like we’re not here. That nothing is what it is. Like I didn’t ruin my goddamn life.”

“I’m not following.”

“Fuck me like you would your wife.”

Of all the things I’d expected her to say, that wasn’t it. That wasn’t anywhere close to being it.

“I wish I understood you,” I whisper.

“Trust me. You wouldn’t like me very much.”

“If I fuck you the way you want, will you tell me what I want to know?”

She shakes her head sadly from side to side. “And trust me when I say this: if I ever do tell you, it’ll be the moment the world breaks me.”

She’s an enigma. Perhaps she’s afraid that once I know where the Reavers are, I’ll think she’s disposable, and that’s when the torture will begin.

The truth is, I’d die for her.

“You want me to fuck you like I did my wife?”

She nods.

“How do you know I was even good to her?”

“I don’t care if you were. I just want it to feel…real. I want to know you during a time that wasn’t now. Back when things were better.”

I pull her forward and cover her mouth with mine. Her tongue is silk, and I can’t get enough of how good she feels. How right I feel when she’s in my arms.

Our kiss breaks when I pull her sweatshirt off her body. Her small gasp lets me know she hadn’t been taking in air.

Her small hands grab at my tee-shirt as she tries to undress me. I have to help, she’s shaking so badly.

Deep down, I know that this is a mistake. But it’s the only thing that feels right.

I push her back onto the cot and position her across the length. Then I mount her.

“This changes nothing,” I growl.

“I know,” she says sadly.

Damn her for being so stubborn.

I sit back and remove her pants and take a long look at her, admiring the way her nipples poke through the thin fabric of her tank top.
