Page 64 of Vicious Bargain

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Gage sits back in his chair, relaxing. “It’s good to hear you’re fully committed.”

The look on Blake’s face suggests he’s not as onboard as Gage is. “So you’re going full dictator?”

“I’m saying that right now we have too many men, not enough women, and more enemies than what’s safe. The Vultures have been acting suspicious, Russ might shoot us if we ever head back to the farm, and fleshlights are a poor bandaid for what we need here. Don’t expect to have a say until we get shit under control.”

Gabriel lifts his brow as he leans into the table, placing his forearms on its edge. “Sounds like it’s time to go Vulture hunting.”

Cole’s eyes narrow. “We need to learn more about the situation before going to extremes.”

Gabriel’s neck muscles pop. “Funny how I don’t really give a fuck about the situation.”

“Read the fucking room,” Gage warns. “We already have the world at our throats. No need to cast daggers at each other.”

Gabriel quiets, though his eyes suggest he’d commit murder given the chance.

Luckily, the tension breaks when the door opens, and Christine walks in.

“Sorry I’m late. I had to x-ray Duri’s leg.”

Trent shoves his fingers through his hair nervously. “How is he?”

“I’d say he probably won’t climb to the top of the playhouse again, but with kids, you never know.”

“This only affirms that you are not to leave the Keep anymore,” Cole tells Christine.

She snorts. “Like hell. I have work to do at the farm.”

“We’re not going near that farm.”

“You can’t tell me that!” Christine’s eyes are pure fire. “There are women I promised to help.”

“Did you forget what happened last time we were there?” Cole growls. “Have you thought of the women we have here? Or the kids? What if you weren’t here to treat Duri?”

Christine walks behind me and places her hands on my shoulders. “I’m training Amber to be a nurse, and who knows, maybe someday she’ll be a doctor. She should be able to treat anything minor with a week of training, and the major stuff will come in time.”

At her revelation, the table is a sea of shocked faces.

“Why her?” Selina asks pointedly.

“Because why not?” Christine plants her hands on her hips. “The issue has been resolved. Gunther is dead. The remaining Reavers are scattered.” She gestures to me. “She did some fucked up shit for reasons I can’t fault her for—”

“That’s not what I was asking,” Selina hisses.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Christine says sarcastically. “My English must be broken because I could have sworn you just said—”

“Why does she get to be a doctor while I can hardly be trusted with a pair of scissors because I might cut myself?”

“That’s a bit of an exaggeration,” Blake says. “Especially since you just visited the farm.”

“If you’d like to work alongside Amber, I’ll happily train you both,” Christine deadpans, then plops down into a chair.

A smirk manifests on Blake’s face. “Does that mean you’re going to dress up as a nur—”


Selina doesn’t even let him get his sentence out before slugging his shoulder.

And suddenly, instead of gloom and doom, there’s laughter, and the angry, hostile glares lose their edge.

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