Page 69 of Vicious Bargain

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“Is it about that girl?”

“I’d rather not say, and I’d like to change the subject.”

“We met and said some words the other day to commemorate Dane. The women put together a nice ceremony, and I have to say, it felt good to have a touch of normalcy.”

“Can I go now?” Hunter asks, not even trying to hide his annoyance.

“Yeah, but keep in touch. I need you looking into the Vulture situation. Make a list of the ones you think are good. I might end up pulling them in.”

“Roger that.”

Hunter exits the room and I’m left with the many rapidly accumulating problems at hand.

The guys are on edge, thinking we might close the Keep. There was a goddamn zombie chicken created right under my fucking nose. Selina hates Amber. Russ wants me dead. And now this shit with the Vultures.

If there were more women, I damn well would close the Keep for a decade, but God knows what would happen if I decided to do that now. With over two dozen men and all of ten eligible women, four unaccounted for, it’s a recipe for disaster.

I’ve considered the possibility of making them form throuples, two men to every woman, but I swear to God if another man touched Amber, I’d rip their fucking head off.

Just thinking about her makes me lose my mind and my focus, but since I’ve already put in fourteen hours, I suppose I could go back home to her and Seth.

“Daddy, I like it when you’re home,” Henry throws his arms around me, burying his face in my chest. “You’re the best.”

“I like being here with you. You’re much better company than the knuckleheads I work with.”

“Do you think you’ll get to go to my school party? We’re having cupcakes.”

“I aim to be going to a lot more things I never used to be able to make. So much you’re going to beg me to stay home.”


I wipe a stray tear from my eye and say a silent prayer, asking God to take care of Carolyn and Henry while I pack my things and get ready to leave.

* * *


Just as Cole enters the apartment, Seth sprints across the room, bringing him his favorite toy.

The sight damn near takes my breath away. Even before the world broke, I never imagined I’d find such a perfect man to help me raise Seth. One handsome and strong, with dangerous eyes and a sharp tongue that loves to explore just as much as it does command.

And, as it turns out, as gruff as Cole is, he’s a pretty damn good father. Each night, he plays with Seth, filling our apartment with love and laughter.

Tonight is no different.

After we eat, Cole reads to Seth before tucking him into bed. I’m shocked by how normal this feels. Like we’re not in the middle of a zombie apocalypse.

Cole returns to me as I’m loading the dishwasher.

“Brooke is pregnant,” I say over my shoulder.

He frowns. “God, I’d love to hear what Dane would have said about that.”

I close the dishwasher and press start.

“I wish I’d gotten the chance to know him.”

“You mean outside of flashing him your tits?”
